The Father (Yahveh) is calling us to rise up and respond to the clarion call of His Spirit. His passion is to send revival to America. Will we hear and will we respond?
The Father (Yahveh) is calling us to rise up and respond to the clarion call of His Spirit. His passion is to send revival to America. Will we hear and will we respond?
"Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall be manifested against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity…
I had a most wonderful dream. I found myself standing on the beach of what I initially thought to be an ocean. It was incredibly deep and wide.
The Lord has been directing me lately to group the visions I have been given in the last 13 years into categories according to subject matter and relevancy of important and strategic end-time events soon to occur in the world.
Many prophetic voices are speaking today, one says one thing and another says the opposite. Who is right? And, why are there so many voices?
I think we all agree that we are in great need of the wave of revival from above. We want a move of Elohim (God) that will outstrip anything else we have ever heard about or experienced in the past.
On November 8th 1999, I was doing a radio broadcast with my friends, Pastor Monte McCutcheon and Pastor Bob Hill, when the angel of the Lord suddenly flew into my room and stood beside me.
The Lord tells us in Amos, that He will do nothing without disclosing it to His servants the prophets. That promise seems to be getting a lot of notoriety these days.
The Lord is in the process of building a new temple. As Peter says, a temple not built with hands. This temple is a holy temple comprised of holy vessels of the Lord.
India "the land of gods" has a population of one billion people. The majority of Hindus worship a staggering 33 million gods. According to government statistics, a mere 3-4% of one billion Indians, profess or adhere to the Christian faith.