Dear Friends and Intercessors,

March 12-14 we will hold our Purim Phone Gathering of the Eagles!

This is a critical time in our nation and during Purim, the Feast of Reversals, we are covering critical areas that the Elite have planned to use to devastate our nation. Each point requires intercession and warfare to overcome. We will pray to reverse the planned economic collapse, the plans for World War III and the plans to interfere with what God has given President Trump to secure our nation.

As you can imagine, each one has devastating repercussions and has the potential to create tragic loss of life. Yet, the Cabal is planning to bring it all on! God promised that if we would pray, He would thwart the plans of the Elite. As intercessors, our responsibility is to follow His lead and stand in the gap for our nation!

I encourage you to join us Wednesday-Friday 4:20-7:30 PM PT.

English Speaking Line:


Access Code: 182152#


Chinese Translation Line (Mandarin):


Access Code: 188979#

For those unable to call in, the Chinese group opened a Zoom call for the week.

Meeting ID (會議號碼): 822 0990 8642

Passcode (進入碼): 164122



Korean Translation Line 한국어 번역:


Access Code: 881779#


Blessings & love,

Ricci Johnson-Wilson