A Prophetic Voice For Today's World


Following you will find a variety of prophetic and teaching articles written by Nita Johnson and Ricci Wilson. In addition, we are fortunate enough to feature instructional articles written by various co-laborers in the Kingdom. All of our articles are intended to edify, exhort, train, and prepare the Church for the days ahead. We are living in exciting times; our responsibility is to prepare the Church for the days ahead!

No Pain, No Gain.

Now when I face a trial, I truly understand that enduring in the trial will enable me to receive the gift or the promise that comes as a result of persevering.


If God leads you to educate your children at home, you will truly be blessed. With the future as difficult as it is going to be for Christians, every moment we can train and prepare our children for it will be an unspeakable blessing and strength for them

Drawing Closer to God

Our focus need not be on the storm, dearly beloved, but on our precious Jesus, for He is watching the storm for us. When a little child is frightened by the terrible thunderstorm, they climb up in daddy”s lap and trust him to protect them from the threat

The Fires of Revival and Issues

The heart is deceitfully wicked above all other things. In our flesh dwells no good thing. None of us knows how bad and dark the depth of our heart really is. But, Jesus knows!

Satan’s Plans And Purposes For America

Many prophetic voices are speaking today, one says one thing and another says the opposite. Who is right? And, why are there so many voices?


The Lord has dealt with me for many years concerning the self-righteousness of the Church. It is indeed a grievous thing to Him as we stunt our personal growth and inhibit our relationship with Him as a result. Further, it is a deadly symptom of the relig

the New River

I had a most wonderful dream. I found myself standing on the beach of what I initially thought to be an ocean. It was incredibly deep and wide.

A Solemn Prophetic Warning

"Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall be manifested against all ungodliness. It shall come with great intensity…

Visions from on High

The Lord has been directing me lately to group the visions I have been given in the last 13 years into categories according to subject matter and relevancy of important and strategic end-time events soon to occur in the world.

India: Special Edition

By now we have returned from India and have recuperated from the jetlag and culture shock of a land replete with darkness and idolatry such as the western mind could hardly imagine.

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