The Lord has been very merciful to us this year. Many hurricanes have promised to be catastrophic and yet Jesus did the unimaginable and disallowed the forecasted destruction.
The Lord has been very merciful to us this year. Many hurricanes have promised to be catastrophic and yet Jesus did the unimaginable and disallowed the forecasted destruction.
I am going to share with you what has happened behind our backs so to speak, in order to implement the necessary cohesive union between what has been born of God and what has been born of the antichrist in preparation for the One World Religion.
What does the future now hold in its bosom for America? 9/11/2001 we experienced a major blow to America’s pride. America, the Lord, as well as Nations throughout the earth felt the pain of the impending sword as we bravely suffered the wound.
Occasionally, the Lord in His divine wisdom and foresight releases His presence into the earth for the purpose of changing and transforming not only the Church but also world governments.
What I am about to say is going to be very difficult for many to hear, but, it needs to be said so we can walk in agreement with the Lord on the critical issue of the division of the Land of Israel.
Less than a year ago I received the first vision concerning what the Lord was about to do regarding the Arab people. Let me share it with you.
Every day the international Jewish community and now Israel exists it is the evidence of the faithfulness of Adonai’s covenant.
When I travel to Israel I fully expect the Lord to talk to me about Israel, and this latest trip was no exception. All He had to say about His plans for my people wonderfully encouraged me.
This is so powerful. I wish every church out there would read this to their people, print it in their bulletin, take it to the streets – and DELIVER IT TO THE CONGRESS
During our recent Gathering of the Eagles in Los Angeles California, we had asked First Nations Leaders to come forth and to pray for their people.