A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

Ever Speaking Voice of God Book Two

This is a compilation of dreams and visions given to Nita and Ricci to help instruct, encourage, and edify the body in this hour. Blessings, Nita & Ricci 

5-2-22 The Battle to Flip Roe v Wade

5-2-22 The Battle to Flip Roe v Wade The Lord says: “Did I not tell you this was coming? The skies are full of warriors. My people must arise- they

Return to God

4/6/22 Vision I saw two forces over our nation. One dark. One Light. The battle was fierce between the two. The dark side was empowered by bloodletting and the demonic

Prophetic Word – Judgment on Democrat Ideology-Ricci Johnson-Wilson

4/8/22 Revelation Judgment is upon the ideology of the democrats. We know they are CCP Progressives, and their goal is to destroy this nation. The Lord told me in 2020

Prophesy regarding the Democrat Party – Nita Johnson

Prophesy regarding the Democrat Party: the stolen waters (powers in the Nation) will be sweet for a season, but bitter in the end!!   Can a man betray his own

Judgment of Jehu

4/8/22 Revelation Judgment is upon the ideology of the democrats. We know they are CCP Progressives, and their goal is to destroy this nation. The Lord told me in 2020

Dream-Economy and the Ecclesia

The Economy and the Ecclesia Ricci Johnson-Wilson April 7, 2022 There is a song titled “REVIVE” that was playing in the background throughout the duration of my dream. Please keep

The Staircase

3/31/22 Vision I saw a staircase leading up to a door with light emanating from its’ outer edges. The Lord was calling His people up, higher and higher, into Him.

Coming Economic Crisis

Coming Economic Crisis March 26, 2022 Ricci Johnson-Wilson Dream… I saw the United States with a grey/blue tint over the entire country. It reminded me of the great depression. I

Releasing a new strand

March 20, 2022 Ricci Johnson-Wilson Dream… I was shopping in a Rite Aid. I had no particular shopping list and felt like I was wandering more than anything (this is

The Cardinal Call!

  The Cardinal Call!   3.6.22   Nita (LaFond) Johnson Dear Reader:   Going as far back as the early 80s, over the years as I have served our Lord

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