A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

Holy Conquest

Less than a year ago I received the first vision concerning what the Lord was about to do regarding the Arab people. Let me share it with you.

Israel, Kept by Covenant

Every day the international Jewish community and now Israel exists it is the evidence of the faithfulness of Adonai’s covenant.

St. Louis Gathering

Ministers, intercessors, those who have a heart for God and a burden for America are all invited. Come Join our Journey!

The Glorious Harvest of Abraham’s Seed

When I travel to Israel I fully expect the Lord to talk to me about Israel, and this latest trip was no exception. All He had to say about His plans for my people wonderfully encouraged me.

The Storehouse and the End-time Harvest

I chose to leave this in letterform to let you see and understand how the Lord sometimes works. Neville and I are just dear friends communicating an important experience.

Gathering of the Eagles in Nigeria

In January of this year if you would have asked me if I planned to go to Nigeria, Africa, I would have replied, not in this lifetime, as far as I know. But that is exactly where many members of the Leadership Team found themselves this month.

America’s Plight with the Watchers

This is so powerful. I wish every church out there would read this to their people, print it in their bulletin, take it to the streets – and DELIVER IT TO THE CONGRESS

The Last Shall Be First

During our recent Gathering of the Eagles in Los Angeles California, we had asked First Nations Leaders to come forth and to pray for their people.

Cry For Revival

The great need today is a general and prevailing revival. What then must we do? Pray.

This Is The End Of The Age Of The Gentiles

The Lord Jesus has revealed, very powerfully, to quite a number of His servants in various parts of the earth the truth that we are standing at the portal ~ the ending of one age and the beginning of another.

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