“Word for the Nations” June 11, 2021 Ricci Johnson-Wilson Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His Throne. (PS 89:14) These are the
“Word for the Nations” June 11, 2021 Ricci Johnson-Wilson Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His Throne. (PS 89:14) These are the
“The Roar of the Lion!” April 5, 2021 Ricci Wilson Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! He is mighty, powerful, and forever worthy of our praise! As
“2021 The Year of Revelation” Ricci Wilson March 11, 2021 I know many are dealing with fear or discouragement in this hour. Perhaps we feel the weariness brought about
“Hold the Line” Ricci Wilson February 8, 2021 Friends, I want to encourage you to continue to “HOLD THE LINE” 2018 the Lord told me the Refining would bring
“The Vortex” Nita Johnson 7-9-2020 “An Unprecedented Time. An Unprecedented Year. Unprecedented Opportunities, Peppered With Unprecedented Risks And Threats.” This statement probably summarizes what we have seen and personally
Word of the Lord for the Nation “The Ache within the Soul of the Nation; Hear their Cry” September 25, 2020 Ricci Wilson I was reflecting this morning
Critical Word for the Fall of 2020 9.18.20 Nita LaFond Johnson Dear Friends: Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! As some of you know, we
“What is The Lord Saying About What’s Going On?” Nita LaFond Johnson September 8, 2020 Today, it seems as though we have many voices both, prophetically and in media
요엘의 목요 특별 메시지 (8-6-20) by 니타 좐슨, 샤이요 아지보예, 뤼키 윌슨 니타 좐슨 샤요 목사님 하나님께서 보여주신 것을 우리와 기꺼이 나눠 주시려 하심을 감사 드립니다. 중보자들과, 저, 특별히
요엘의 목요 가르침 (7-23-2020) “2020년 미국 가을 선거의 결과의 심각한 중요성” 뤼키 윌슨 기도: 하나님 아버지, 지금 오시옵소서. 당신의 영이 오셔서 우리들에게 오늘 저녁 가르쳐 주시고, 우리들에게 열정과 불을