A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

Joel’s Army Illinois!

Truth Lutheran Church 503 W Bauer Road Naperville, IL 60563   Sat, Aug 24 from 1pm to 4pm   If there are questions you can contact: Kris Wendorf  312-465-3610  

Join Nita and Ricci for teaching and intercession!

English Line 717-908-1834 Access Code: 182152#   Chinese Translation Line 667-770-1488 Access Code: 188979#   Korean Translation Line 667-770-1476 Access Code:349014  

Yom Kippur Gathering of the Eagles (PHONE)

Phone Gathering of the Eagles English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call 717-908-1834 Access Code: 182152# Chinese Translation Prayer Call 605-313-5164 Access Code: 800754# Korean Translation Prayer Call 667-770-1476 Access Code:349014  

Phone Gathering of the Eagles

Phone Gathering of the Eagles English-Speaking Corporate Prayer Call 717-908-1834 Access Code: 182152# Chinese Translation Prayer Call 605-313-5164 Access Code: 800754# Korean Translation Prayer Call 667-770-1476 Access Code:349014  

Prophetic Intercession to Save the Nation!

This is a special time 3-Day session of prophetic intercession to stand in the gap for the Nation, thwart the plans of the Cabal, and release God’s plans and purposes

Shavuot Gathering of the Eagles! (PHONE)

Due to the Economic struggles many are facing, our GOE will be via PHONE! English Prayer Line 717-908-1834 Access Code: 182152# Chinese Translation Line 667-770-1488 Access Code: 188979# Korean Translation

Nita Johnson / Ricci Wilson Teaching and Intercession

English Line 717-908-1834 Access Code: 182152#   Chinese Translation Line 667-770-1488 Access Code: 188979#   Korean Translation Line 667-770-1476 Access Code:349014  

Prayer Points for the week of October 17, 2021

Prayer Points for the week of October 17, 2021   We encourage you to follow the leading of the Spirit within the prayer points.      1) Pres. Trump –

2021년 10월 17일 요엘 군대 기도 제목

한국 연합 중보기도   2021년 10월 17일 (주일) 주어진 기도 제목 안에서 성령님의 인도하심에 순종하며 따라가시기를 장려합니다.    1) 트럼프 대통령을 위한 기도: 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 트럼프 대통령과 멜라니 영부인과 그의 가족들에게 강한


  2021年10月17日開始的一週禱告要點(繁體)   我們鼓勵大家在禱告這些要點的過程中跟從聖靈的帶領   1.川普總統:禱告他與家人得到保護。宣告耶穌的寶血覆蓋他們以及與其關係密切的人們,綑綁和驅趕任何向他們所施的巫術或咒語。   —禱告神的七靈在他生命中彰顯(以賽亞書11:1-3)。 —禱告神必在祂的最佳時機恢復川普應有的地位,並賜人們恩典進行過渡。 —禱告神在把美國帶回到法治之下的同時,繼續興起“公義的權杖”來支持他。   2.媒體:徹底揭露政府和受中共控制的科技巨頭、新聞及娛樂媒體內的腐敗以及共產主義的根源和指令。禱告川普總統贏得向大科技公司提起的訴訟。禱告美國人民終會要求真理在我們國家掌權。   3.公正:禱告神的旨意透過我們國家正在發生的一切得以成就,禱告人們要求伸張正義。   —禱告在2020年大選重新計票的法務審計中正義得勝,使我們的選舉依據憲法授權進行。 —呼籲在全美順利進行重新計票的法務審計。禱告各級法院秉公斷案,撤去不公正的法官。禱告My Pillow公司的創始人邁克·林德爾、企業家帕特里克·伯恩、林·伍德律師、西德尼·鮑威爾律師、前紐約市市長魯迪·朱利安尼、喬治亞州共和黨籍聯邦眾議員瑪喬麗·泰勒·格林,以及其他憲法正義的維護者們生命安全,冤情得以昭雪。   4.教會:為教會中妥協和悖逆的罪悔改。   —禱告教會的心向著神甦醒過來。 —禱告“黑袍軍團”在當今牧師中興起,勇敢地堅持神的話語。 —呼求復興在全美“傾瀉而出”。 —為世界各地的宗教迫害禱告。禱告復興突然臨到遭逼迫嚴重的地區、共產政權、塔利班、伊斯蘭國呼羅珊分支,以及信奉伊斯蘭教的地區。   *黑袍軍團:原指美國獨立戰爭時期支持獨立的牧者,現泛指敬虔愛國的牧師。   5.禱告抵擋嫁禍行動:  

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