A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

Becoming a Disciple of Christ Part 4

This is the fourth part of Becoming a Disciple of Christ – Walking Deeper in God.

Becoming a Disciple of Christ Part 5

This is the fifth part of Becoming a Disciple of Christ – God is looking for humility.

The Reigning Ones Part 3

The Reigning Ones are those who are soon to come on the scene to transform the Church. The Church needs this transformation so badly; we are so far below the overcoming life that we should be living.

The Reigning Ones Part 4

This is part four in the series from the New Orleans Revival services that focuses on the Reigning Ones, those who will lead the Church in the end-times.

The Reigning Ones Part 1

The preparation of saints who will lead the body of Christ through the end times.

The Reigning Ones Part 2

A teaching on the Reigning Ones who are soon to grace the scene and lead the Church through the last days.

The Reigning Ones Part 5

Continuing the series from the New Orleans Revival Services on the preparations of the Reigning Ones to lead the Church through the last days.

The Reigning Ones Part 6

This is part six in the series from the New Orleans Revival services that focuses on the Reigning Ones, those who will have the wisdom of God and be possessed by the Spirit of fear of the Lord.

The Reigning Ones Part 7

This is part seven in the series from the New Orleans Revival services that focuses on the Reigning Ones. It talks about the Spirit of might.

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