Prayer points for April 8-9

These are the prayer points for this week and Thursday of next week.


Mom will pray at the end of each night from 7-7:30


Thursday April 8, 2021


  • Lynn-Closure of schools



  • Beth- Civil War- between the N.W.O. and American civilians fighting for liberty. In 2012, Nita had a living vision 24/7 surrounded outside her head like a halo for 30 days. In her peripheral vision, the scenes in the vision played out like a movie being played around her head. The vision showed her that what happened in 1776 is being re-released to bring forth a rebirth of the 1776 Republic in America.



  • Debbie – Persecution of Christians – Churches burned & Equality Act


All the above are the plans of the evil one and his followers – these are not the plans of God for this nation!


  • KinNita saw Biden on a cliff two separate times.

Suddenly, it looked as though someone pushed him off the cliff and he toppled as though he was doing a cartwheel right off the cliff. The second time, a man’s leg shot up and kicked him right off the cliff. She feels God is going to will it, and man is going to implement it. IN other words, He will use human agents to bring about this great intervention and it will come when we least expect it. The Elite see Biden as a Manchurian candidate, just as they saw Obama, he’s much a puppet to the elite as Obama ever was and Obama is his handler.


  • Ricci – 7 Mountains of Power. President Trump is our legal President. Tactically, he stepped back and is operating from Florida. He is our legal President, American’s voted him into office but Congress, with the infiltration and support of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is standing behind Biden. This is a coup. However, the military is behind President Trump and while in Florida, he is under military protection from every branch of military support. We need to pray that God will expose and resolve the election fraud issues and place President Trump back in his physical position in DC.  Pray that God will give him Divine wisdom in terms of extracting China from our infrastructure. Pray for protection over the innocent throughout this process.  If we do one thing that interferes with the CCP’s plans, they retaliate by hitting the Christians and cutting off the Gospel from their citizens.The focus is on this coup and stopping everything that would seek to secure the coup by Communist China. We need to deal with them tactically. For 40 years they’ve been overtaking America by buying up our politicians (Pelosi, Biden, Feinstein, etc), banks, land, technology, energy, education and the media. The goal has been to take over America in very short time with very little military action. Put up the walls of protection around those seven mountains, via the Walls of Fire. We need to pray for a Divine intervention in the American/Red China relations. This is not our precious Chinese citizens, but this is the CCP (Communist China Party) that we are referring to in this prayer point. 


Friday April 9, 2021


  • Odeh-Military downsized & bringing the nation into the N.W.O.


  • Patricia-Economic Crisis


  • Ricci Youth-special intercession for a revival in our youth. This is a corralling of the under 50 into Christ.


  • Artem “Town Crier” Nita saw a woman running all over DC trying to warn people to flee DC, she was crying out, the city is on fire, the whole city is on fire. Need to pray repentance. 11.17.20 Vision– You showed me the vision this morning of Bibles of dozens of Bibles. They were covered with gold, solid gold covers. They were strewn all over the floor. Pages were torn. Some had gotten stuck between two pieces of furniture. You showed me the Capitol of America the laws, the action, and injustice has trampled Your Word under foot. Father in Your grace and mercy forgive, forgive for they know not what they do. Your Word is so precious.



  • Jon “The Train of Hearts” Nita saw mass arrests, she saw the FBI AND CIA and other intelligence agencies getting cleaned up. Many within will be fired. Some imprisoned. Some agencies will be closed down due to their corruption. She saw the Rothschilds, Clinton’s, and many Cabal at high levels experience severe discipline even death sentences. Corrupt International ties revealed. Mass treason in this area will be dealt with.



Thursday April 15, 2021

Teaching & Prophetic Revelation with Kin & Debbie, Jon Woodbrook, Ricci & Nita

Friday April 16, 2021


  • Odeh– on 2/16/21 the Lord told Ricci “judgment was coming to the coliseum.” 3/16/21 I was in prayer; I was praying for Trump to come home to his rightful place. I prayed with great fervency for God to clear the way. I had a vision of the angel of the Lord over DC with a flaming sword and strike the coliseum (Since Jan 20th, when the Lord speaks to me about Biden and the clown show we are watching in DC, the cabal and those working with them-He calls it the coliseum) and it broke in two. The Lord told me HE will be exalted in judgment (Is 5:16a)


  • Jon “Impeachments are coming” Ricci had a dream 3/26/21 that massive impeachments are coming. This was a removal from office, but they were for serious offenses. There were over 200 of them. It was so numerous, the story so big, msm was choking over the words in an attempt to withhold the information from the masses. We need to hit the media portion hard.

Ricci & Adrian

“Devastation of the Cabal” & “Trump pulling the nation up” The Lord told Ricci that the first four years of Trump’s Presidency was the exposure of corruption, the next four will be the extraction of that corruption. He also told me that 2020 was the year of shaking bringing forth the year of Revelation. God is revealing the depth of corruption and is about to bring it down. God is going to use President Trump to rebuild this nation and raise it as a nation of righteousness. When we pray, pray for exposure, and the destruction of the cabal’s plans. Pray for the rebuilding process.


  • Adrian November 2016, Ricci had a vision of “President Trump pulling up the nation”– we were praying because of the persecution he was experiencing already, not even officially having taken office. He was in the very center of the country (I’ve since learned this is Lebanon Kansas). He was pulling up a chain, it was laborious, he was sweating, his sleeves were rolled up, and he was not giving up. When he reached the end of the chain, there was a steel rod. He pulled it up and locked it in place. The Lord told me this was the Rod of Righteousness. When the Lord pulled me back to see the landscape, the nation had been elevated about four feet. (this is reversal of the vortexes)



Addendum – 3 Vortexes

1st Vortex


On 6.5.20 during a staff prayer call, the Lord took Nita into a series of Vortexes. The Holy Spirit started to whirl her as part of a Vortex, and this experience happened three times. Each of these Vortexes are largely pertaining to Geo-political areas of human life and Religious.


The Lord said to her, “This is where the nation is right now. It will get worse before it gets better. This is all in My hands. The wicked Elite think that they are winning. Quit thinking like the unilluminated. You are looking at things through the eyes not of enlightenment, but in fear, and I (God) have to help you get in control of that.”


The Wisdom of the Lord


Jesus revealed these words while in the experience: Chaos, Chaos, spinning Chaos is coming!


Take a look at the Geo-political landscape how it is an ever-increasing disheveled mess. And know that is the substance of the first Vortex. Things like Biden and the Coup and similar things in the Federal government, the flurries of lies that are coming out of the press and media, and international events that are filled with the darkness and confusion that will end in dangerous aggressions if not dealt with will have the substance of the first and second Vortex and largely the third.


But, He has not left us that is why we have prophets. To deal with the evil in this nation, He has to reveal it. We believed the lie too long; that God and His goodness will always protect America because of her goodness. The Lord is saying, “See the darkness.” If the Vortexes stopped now, we would fall asleep.


God is allowing America to appear as though we have weaknesses in our foundation. But, God is setting the enemy up. We must pray not what we see but what He sees! He is trying to draw the enemy out to defeat him. They are being lured into visibility to be ambushed. The Elite mar up our edifices, but some degree of the storm has to come to get our attention. However, God is not moved. Thank God the Elite are deceived.


Elite will say, “What happened to our plans?” Albeit, He established the boundaries of this thing before it ever happened. God is shaking this nation to show us our true God; be it Lucifer or The Lord. If Lucifer, then they will see how weak he is. And if their God is The Lord, they will learn His justice and power.



2nd Vortex


Nita said, “Most of your prayers need to be focused on the people.” Then, Nita started feeling the whirling again. She said, “You need to start talking in the Spirit to the people, such things as, speaking the wisdom of God, the will of God, and the submission to God.” He has the Church here to speak to the army like a 5 Star General. He is whirling things around, shaking things up, but when it comes back up everyone will stand in awe. And things in this nation will be better than it has ever been.


3rd Vortex


The third Vortex is like the first two. Massive religious groups, human trafficking, or shall I say issues, dominant issues, wherein America is busy spilling innocent blood will become intolerable to the Righteous. This will help spark the chaos. You will see groups, such as, BLM and Antifa planning invasions into public affairs as we have seen in the past. They may not be more serious, but they will be more prominent for a short season. Things Americans look to, such as, healthcare, law enforcement, emergency agencies like the National Reserves will be more and more diminished. Access to food will be an important focus the Elite plan against America. America will not be a comfortable place to live for a short time.


For The Intercessor


This is what God sees. The American church is asleep. Nothing will wake her up until she realizes they cannot control God. The Church is static it doesn’t fight for holiness, righteousness, and the character of God in a dying world. None of these are her top battle.


He is also dealing with the spirit of lawlessness, compromise, and Aligare.


What is going to make darkness and unrighteousness flee? Righteousness and light. What does He do first? Reveal the light to get rid of unrighteousness.


What does the prophet say? He says, “FLEE Babylon!” He didn’t say, “God, tell the people to come out.” YOU can tell that Vortex to move only within God’s boundaries, plans, and purposes.


If an uprising, represented by the Vortexes, then God has already raised a standard of righteousness. He has to send the light to reveal the darkness. So, we thank Him that He raised a standard of righteousness. That standard of righteousness was raised in the 2nd GOE. Thank you for the standard of righteousness. It is shining brighter than it has before. They will see the light of Your righteous government shine. They will see the right way. Come up out of Babylon! Rise up and awaken!


Pray that God’s will and purpose be accomplished. What we want is America, represented by the American flag, to come through the pressing of the ringer washer to bring the flag through her glory.