6.5.20 During Friday Morning Staff Prayer Nita experienced 3 Vortexes


We were in our staff prayer call, Nita was praying and the Holy Spirit started to whirl her like a vortex. The Lord said to her, “This is where the nation is right now”. It will get worse before it gets better. This is all in God’s hands. The wicked elite think that they are winning. Quit thinking like the unilluminated. You are looking at things through the eyes not of enlightenment but in fear, and God has to get in control of it. He has to get control of it from the beginning. When David took his army out against his enemies, God was with him. God has a overseeing covering from the beginning. God has control. David would go into battle and it looked like chaos, but God was in control.


This is what God sees. The American church is asleep. Nothing will wake her up until she realizes they can’t control God. The Church is static it doesn’t fight for holiness, righteousness, and the character of God in a dying world. None of these are her top battle.


Then Nita hears “let this happen….”If your army is not with you… [couldn’t type every word]


That is why we have prophets. He has not left us. To deal with the evil in this nation, He has to reveal it. We believe the lie too long; that God and His goodness will always protect America because of its goodness. Lord is saying see the darkness. If stop now (vortexes), we will fall asleep.


It looks like an army of cockroaches, these people are extremely angry and want to make sure they do this thing. He is causing us to protect ourselves in righteousness. He hasn’t left us. It is a marvelous thing that He is doing in the nation. When the army came against Israel, Saul was still king and he was so lost. But God is saying, even with this, I am in control. We are going into battle and I’m going to put David in. He had to reveal the darkness and prepare His little son of righteousness. We don’t apply these principles to America, but they are being played out.


In the vortex, there was not even a little crack. God is allowing to appear we have weaknesses in our foundation. God is setting the enemy up. We must pray what we know not what we see. He is trying to draw the enemy out to defeat the enemy. They are being lured into visibility to be ambushed. Mar up our edifices. It has to come to get your attention, and God is not moved. Thank God they are deceived.


They will say what happened to our plans. He established the boundaries of this thing before it ever happened. God is shaking this nation to show them their God. Lucifer or The God. If Lucifer they will see how weak he is and if their God is God…[couldn’t type the rest]


Most of your prayers need to be focused on the people. Nita is feeling the whirling again. You need to start talking in the spirit to the people. Speaking the wisdom of God speaking the will OF God speaking the submission to God. He has us here to speak to the army like a 5-star army. He is whirling things around, but when it comes back up everyone will stand in awe. And things in this nation will be better than it has ever been.


He is dealing with the spirit of lawlessness, compromise, and Alegari. What did the prophet do? He said FLEE Babylon. He didn’t say, “God, tell the people to come out.” YOU can tell that vortex to move without so much of an inch of discretion in God’s plan and purpose. Pray see God’s will and purpose has been accomplished. We are not in a hurry. What we want is America to come through the pressing of the ringer washer to bring the flag through her glory.


What is going to make darkness and unrighteousness flee? Righteousness and darkness. What does he do first? Reveal the light to get rid of unrighteousness. If a uprising, then God has already raised a standard of righteousness. He has to send the light to reveal the darkness. So, we thank Him that He raised a standard of righteousness. That standard of righteousness was raised in the 2nd GOE. Thank You for the standard of righteousness. It is shining brighter than it has before. They will see the light of Your righteous government shine.


They will see the right way. Come up out of Babylon! Rise up and awaken!


In Him,

Nita Johnson