“The Love of God to Awaken a Nation” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson
The Love of God to Awaken a Nation
Ricci Johnson-Wilson
February 18, 2025
(from our February 14, 2025 service)
I’d like to share the following vision the Lord gave me prior to the election and then elaborate on some of the additional things He’s given me since this word to help bring clarity and direction for us as children of God, Ambassadors of His Kingdom, and intercessors.
The Race to Restoration
(October 31, 2024)
I was praying in the Spirit. I had an open vision of the nation. Mom and I, along with our team and the intercessors, were pulling this nation up to a finish line. We were so close to reaching that goal, and although it seemed we were in a race, there were no other nations on either side of us. Still, the atmosphere felt very time sensitive, as though we were coming up to the finish line.
The fight was hard, and movement was slow. We seemed exhausted, while at the same time so driven to complete the task set before us, there was no chance of stopping us.
When we were almost up to the finish line, the view panned out. That is when I finally saw the other nations, they were behind us. They were not racing, in fact, they could not move on their own, America was pulling them along behind us. It was as though we were a giant ship, and the other nations were dinghies or small vessels being pulled by America.
This was truly a sad sight to see, even as I typed this up, I recognized how helpless many nations are at this hour. The Cabal has worked to strip, abuse, and drain them of their power, resources, and national sovereignty. America was truly the last line of defense against a tyrannical reign running without restraint across the nations of the earth.
The intercessors were pulling America, and America was pulling the vessels. Yet, it still seemed we should have been moving much faster toward that finish line. I kept wondering why we were working so hard yet moving so slowly.
I looked to the Lord for a directive or some answers to my internal query, and without a word, He pointed to something at the back end of the nation. I followed the direction of His hand. Then I saw the chains. I can’t believe I didn’t notice them right away, but there were extremely old chains that were connected at the very back end of the nation. Hanging from the chains were giant anchors. Some of the chains had links that were partially open, I knew this meant that the work of the intercessors was indeed effective, it would not be long, and these anchors would be gone!
Suddenly, we ran to the back end of the nation with sword in hand and severed the links in those weakened areas one by one. After the last chain was cut, the nation was thrust forward! The ropes pulling the other nations behind us were still intact. Geographically, none of this made sense but they were being pulled behind America in no specific order.
As we approached the finish line, an explosion occurred, and we were thrust forward. The explosion rippled across the land like it was moving through gelatin! As the ripples of the explosion flowed outward, light replaced darkness. (It was not until this moment that I realized the nation had been shrouded in darkness.) The ripples continued building and extended to the end of the nation, then rippled across the ropes and into the nations we were pulling behind us. They too received light. The momentum from nation to nation was incredible! Nothing could stop it! Anyone who even tried was knocked clean off their feet!
I was taken back to see this event from a great distance and saw the nation split horizontally. The top layer was the spiritual layer-that portion of the work done through prayer. The bottom layer was the natural layer-this always follows the work of intercession.
The explosion was the Awakening. As Mom has shared many times, the Awakening began in January of 2023. The Awakening ultimately impacts both the top and the bottom layers.
The top layer…the Spiritual side: what occurred on the top was the intercession, prophetic revelation, and so on. We often see the powerful and revelatory preaching and teaching in connection with this element. People get saved, healed, delivered and ignited for Jesus just like on Pentecost and the revival that followed, and during Azusa Street and the world-wide revival that followed because of what occurs in the Spiritual realm. By the way, Pentecost and Azusa Street both began with an Awakening.
However, what we see in the bottom layer, the natural side, is the product of what occurs in the spiritual realm. had scaffolding quickly erected alongside beaten and battered buildings and the restoration process began. With the completion of each building, a light would turn on and cause it to glow. Then, the scaffolding would be taken down and quickly erected alongside another building.
This is where I saw it… the buildings being restored were the ancient buildings. The iconic representations of our nation. The Supreme Court, the White House, The Congress. The Lincoln Monument was polished and shining brightly, the Library of Congress was purged and restored to Truth.
I wondered in my heart what was happening with these buildings and what it meant when the light came on. The Lord impressed upon me, that with each light that turned on within a restored building, He was giving it His stamp of approval. As the approval went out, the false narrative about the individual or era they represented was broken, and truth prevailed. The light was the Lord’s marker that this building, or what it represents, had been: “Purged of deception or corruption, and restored to Truth.”
The Ecclesia grew and expanded at this point, some running for key offices and having favor of both levels because they represented life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
There was a merging of ideas, not a compromise but a merging of righteous ideals surrounded by light. They bounced between these two realms—the top layer and the bottom layer—and I saw them expand as they moved back and forth. When these ideas reached their optimum level, they burst open and poured out over the land as liquid gold causing the restoration process to speed up!
- Churches were rebuilt
- Schools were rebuilt
- Media was rebuilt
- Houses were rebuilt (these represented the restoration of the family)
- The justice system was rebuilt
- The government was rebuilt
The vision ended…
This was just a couple weeks prior to the election. Since the inauguration, we have watched the whirlwind in DC as many of those ancient chains, those archaic, corrupt, deceptive organizations (those chains) of the State Department are being exposed and brought down. Some will be kept and others that amount to a tremendous amount of waste will be shut down. This is the will of the Lord out of His love for this nation. Best of all, the things we’ve prayed over for nearly two decades, things such as the destabilization of nations, including our own, and the funding of violent terrorist groups, the overthrowing of governments, and so on, through the State Department via USAID, will finally come to an end.
America was meant to bring the Gospel to the nations, to be a support for them in times of trouble, to bring spiritual healing and truth to the nations of the earth, and to be an end-time place refuge.
Unfortunately, we have not done this for decades, perhaps even a century.
I shared this last week, but it bears repeating, America is the Church’s inheritance, God’s gift to her, we must reclaim our inheritance.
Is this restoration process painful? Yes. Does it create stress in everyone? Yes, it really does. Some stressors are good and produce an outcome that strengthens and fortifies people. We must remember this: the Lord prepared His intercessors for this very hour; we must keep the nation intact and prevent the enemies’ plan of ripping it in two during this second revolution. The Lord loves this nation enough to raise us up for such a time as this.
The day is fast approaching wherein we can fulfill our mandate as a nation! What a glorious day this will be!
As I shared, this revolution, this rebuilding is occurring on two levels. The spiritual and the natural.
I remind you, in our Seattle service January 29, 2023, the Awakening was released. This Awakening is something that rippled across both the natural and the spiritual planes, in fact, it still does! What we see happing in the political landscape is a product of the Awakening!
If you look back at what was taking place on that top layer, that’s the spiritual side of things:
- Intercession
- Prophetic Revelation of the Word-this brings truth to the heart of men
And that impacts
- Salvations
- Miracles
- Deliverances
- An ignition in the hearts of men to live for Jesus
- Revival
Within a couple months, Mario Murillo would also confirm that the Awakening had begun.
Why is the Awakening so significant?
The Awakening expands these areas of God’s work immeasurably. The speed with which the Lord ignites in the heart of man the revelation of Who He is, is like what we read about from Pentecost in the book of Acts. That was an Awakening in the earth. Nothing could stop what God was doing. Religious leaders and governments could try, and they did try, but they were unsuccessful because God was moving in every aspect of life to reveal within the heart of man, the revelation of His Gospel and ignite in the earth the revolution.
It was an uncontainable, unrestrainable move of God to release His Kingdom far and wide, really, as far as was humanly possible. This was His great love for the people of the earth.
When we look at the four Gospels, we read of Jesus’ journeys, He went as far north, south, east and west, as the Father allowed. This amounted to approximately 3000 miles.
When we look how far the Gospel spread through the book of Acts and couple this with historical accounts, we learn that between Peter and the Apostles, Fotina (the woman at the well from John 4) and her family, and Paul, Barnabas, Luke, and Timothy, the Word of God was spread 10s of 1000s of miles, upward to 100,000 square miles! In just the First Century, Christianity spread from Rome all the way into northern Africa. From the Mediterranean Sea to Arabia and over to Iran. This had such long-term effect, that by 650 A.D., Christianity had spread all the way to Russia, China, and Korea and throughout Europe! The Awakening was the catalyst to the spread of the Gospel. God’s Kingdom was birthed in the earth. However, it began with the spiritual work first, that which Jesus did through prayer, His life, His death and His resurrection, and then it was manifested in the natural realm rippling throughout the known world.
That was a profound move of God was it not?
So, was this just a spiritual awakening? Did this impact governments? What does this have to do with the two layers in the race to restoration vision I shared?
It was both. The spiritual realm always impacts the temporal realm. Good or bad, it always impacts both.
What did God’s Kingdom look like as it was spread? How did the people demonstrate changed lives?
Justin Martyr, a noted First Century Christian theologian and apologist, wrote to Emperor Antoninus Pius (one of 5 good Roman emperors) describing the impact of Christ on believers as follows:
“We formerly rejoiced in uncleanness of life, but now love only chastity; before we used the magic arts, but now dedicate ourselves to the true and unbegotten God; before we loved money and possessions more than anything, but now we share what we have and to everyone who is in need; before we hated one another and killed one another and would not eat with those of another race, but now since the manifestation of Christ, we have come to a common life and pray for our enemies and try to win over those who hate us without just cause.”
This is a beautiful depiction of the impact of the Great Awakening on the known world. Did Jesus not say, over and over again, what the Kingdom of Heaven was like?
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sells everything to purchase a piece of land from which he will harvest a precious treasure. It’s like the man who sold all that he had to purchase a single pearl of great value. It’s the woman who put a small amount of leaven in her flour impacting the whole batch of flour! The Kingdom is the greatest treasure we will ever invest in, it is priceless, and when we spread even a small amount, it expands and impacts the whole of society!
The Kingdom of Heaven, released in the earth, through His vessels, out of His great love for the people.
God uses His vessels to release His Kingdom. We are poor in spirit, we mourn, we demonstrate meekness, we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we are merciful, we are pure in heart, we work to be peacemakers, and we are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Through it all, God uses us to cast His net into the sea of mankind and bring in the great harvest!
The Kingdom of Heaven is set to be released through the Church, the Ecclesia, the called out ones, into every aspect of our lives! The Church, the family, the government, academia, business, banking, and yes, even the media!
Many ask the question: I thought we were to have a separation between Church and State? Church and academia, Church and finance, Church and banking, Church and everything else.
That’s why we, as a society, declined and became so corrupt that our nation’s resources have been used to destabilize other nations, overthrow their governments, steal their resources, indoctrinate their youth and so on. (Our nation is not full at fault, the moral decline in those nations presented their vulnerabilities and opened the door. That said, we, the children of God, want to be a path of healing and restoration, not moral decay and destruction.)
The Church was always supposed to influence the nations, always. If the Church does not influence the nation, the nation will surely become corrupt and move into rapid decline. History has demonstrated this again and again.
The Constitution was written in such a way as to protect the Church’s right to remain free to influence the nation. Jefferson was clear in a letter he wrote to a pastor who questioned him on this very issue. In short, the intention of the First Amendment was to keep the State from controlling or influencing the Church, not the other way around.
If this nation—this Republic—is to remain free, and a Nation under God, the Church must remain diligent in our influence of the State. We are the spiritual level in the race to restoration!
This is Scriptural. Throughout the Word, we see His hand as He used righteous men to influence people in positions of great power, Kings, Governors, Magistrates and so on:
- Moses was used politically to set the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt. Then God used him to create the laws the Israelites were to abide by. These could be summed up in Duet 6:5 “and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
- Esther was used to influence the King, expose and uproot the corruption of Haman, and save her people from a genocide.
- Daniel was used to influence the Babylonian and the Medo-Persian governments. So much so that his influence with Cyrus paved the way for the return of the Jewish captives to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.
- Nehemiah was used to influence his governor to allow for the rebuilding and fortifying of Jerusalem.
- Peter was used to frame up the Church and speak into the corrupt religious system. He faced great persecution because of his message.
- Paul was used by God to speak to the political realm as a prisoner! He influenced the Roman soldiers who guarded him, bringing many into the Kingdom of God, he addressed governors and emperors throughout the Roman Empire, men and women who would never have heard the Gospel were it not for Paul’s imprisonment.
- God uses His Rods of Righteousness to change the course of history. He holds the heart of the King in His hands and orchestrates the vessels through which His Word, His truth, His revelations to stand before them.
Today we are being called to influence the nation in greater measure than ever before.
The Awakening is here, and it impacts both the temporal and the spiritual planes.
For the Temporal Plane, the Awakening brings:
- Transformation of Government
- The transformation of men and women, to be used as His rods of righteousness, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Mark Zuckerberg, and new fire in the heart of our dear President, Donald J. Trump.
- Exposure of corruption—such as U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Passion to rebuild
On the Spiritual Plane the Awakening brings:
- Greater anointing on the Word
- Hunger and a thirst for righteousness
- Higher levels of influence in the spirit-realm as we pray.
- Greater understanding of the need for believers to take action as we rebuild and save our nation.
- An understanding of the political realm so we might pray more effectively.
- A desire to influence the society in which we live to such a degree that one day, a letter of Christ’s impact in our lives, and the resulting impact upon our society, might be written about us by men such as Justin Martyr as I mentioned earlier.
The Azusa Street Revival is a great example. It was more than a revival; it was an Awakening that took the Gospel message from America to over 60 nations within 2 years. A remarkable feat considering air travel was not yet available. Impossible miracles occurred in these services much like those witnessed under Peter’s ministry. It impacted every level of society as the heart of man turned to God.
The ripple effect of events such as these move up and out from the heart of the individual to their family, their community, and then upward toward their government.
From this, people understood the importance their involvement in the nation’s affairs would have on the lives of their posterity.
One of the biggest lies propagated by nearly every area of society is that the Church should not have a voice in any area of society. The Awakening is changing that within the Church.
If we want to live in a nation that can proudly and honestly proclaim, “One Nation Under God” than we, the true Church, need to stand together as one.
The true church will stand by God’s anointed. The apostate church will publicly call for the death and/or harm of President Trump, Elon Musk, and other Rods of Righteousness God has raised up for this hour.
I want to close by addressing the release of our nation from those huge chains we were dragging behind us in the Race to Restoration vision I shared at the beginning of this message. The impact of these chains on other nations is immeasurable by human accounts.
The last 25 years of intercession have gradually brought the exposure of these chains to the surface. The Awakening thrust them onto the front page of every media outlet. This is the impact of the spiritual work we’ve been doing all these years, revelation had to come in the natural for this to be exposed and uprooted and stop the potential genocide. What am I referring to? USAID
Every chain weighting America down has been cast with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Who runs this agency? The State Department…who in particular? They partner with the CIA, however, the CIA operations must be approved by the President. USAID does not need Presidential approval.
What kind of things have they been responsible for?
- Transgender indoctrination in schools both here and abroad
- NGOs such as:
- Foundations within the Catholic Church that support illegal immigration, human trafficking of minors, and harboring of fugitives
- “National Endowment for Democracy” and “Open Society Foundation” (these are the media arms of regime changes releasing the necessary propaganda to engage citizens of targeted nations by its founder is George Soros)
- Clinton Foundation—receive tens of millions to promote “reproductive rights” aka abortion in Africa. Received millions of tax-payer dollars to remake Haiti. Haiti is still Haiti.
- Gates Foundation—receive billions to take vaccinations into nearly every nation. Gates was a major recipient of grants through USAID during Covid.
- Project Mockingbird—rebranded but this releases misinformation and disinformation to social media, news organizations, influencers and so on, to control narratives and overthrow governments.
- $27 Million went to the George Soros Prosecutor Fund. These prosecutors are responsible for the freedom of violent criminals back into our society. They defend and protect drug cartels.
- Overthrowing of non-compliant governments, regime changes, debt bondage (CIA type espionage)
- Funding CIA mercenaries overseas, shadow governments, etc.
- Nearly $8 million dollars sent into Guatemala in the last four years. Over $4 Billion since 2012. Zero accountability. Ambassadors to Guatemala are some of the key recipients and retainers of these funds.
- USAID has funneled billions through 55,000 liberal NGOs using Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, etc. which was then filtered back to politicians, violent activists, BLM rioters, and so on, all to manipulate and control the populations.
- In addition, under USAID, through NGOs, in the last four years, nearly 452,121 children have been kidnapped and trafficked from over 180 nations. 182,000 came from Guatemala alone.
- Through USAID, $600 Million has been spent to transport illegals into America
Remember, things are not always as they seem. Politicians who are crying because USAID is being exposed and shut down, receive kickbacks or direct funding through USAID through Black Lives Matter who donates a tremendous amount of money to Democrats.
An example of statements you may have heard over the years when listening to a politician support another omnibus bill to send copious amounts of money overseas through U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and what they really mean are :
- “Spending $330 Million to Irrigate fields in Afghanistan” – they are funding poppy fields to harvest opium to help fund CIA operations.
- “Assisting Afghani’s with water preservation or transportation infrastructure” –they’ve spent $200 Million for a dam that remains unused today and $250 Million for a road in Afghanistan that leads to nowhere.
- “Extending famine relief”—they are trying control the food supply
- “Sending diplomats to assist in rewriting a constitution for democracy in a foreign nation”—they are working to control the nation’s laws.
- “Setting up internet to aid in the progress and development of free speech in other nations”—they did it so they could broadcast the overthrowing of their government and garner public support for regime changes. (This was done in Ukraine, Cuba, Syria, Argentina, etc)
- “Sending weapons to the Ukrainian soldiers who are fearlessly fighting to retain the independence of Ukraine” –this is two-fold. A proxy war to weaken and destabilize Russia financially. Depopulate Ukraine so we can mine the $17 Trillian in uranium. (Lindsey Graham finally admitted this on the Congressional floor.)
So, when they talk about impeaching President Trump or calling for Elon’s head for shutting down USAID, remember, this is what Trump and Elon are shutting down. Trump was created to set the captives free, to set the children free from bondage, and it is the Awakening that brought this level of corruption into the light so it can be eradicated from our nation!
Here’s the bottom line, the Awakening that was released January 29, 2023, was birthed out of years of intercession, out of the mercy of our God, to expose the chains that have kept our nation, and many other nations of the world, bound. God is exposing this corruption so He can severe the chains and set us all free from the likes of the Octopus of Corruption, the Deep State, the Cabal, and all of those liberal media sources, the communist politicians, all funded by USAID. That octopus and their narratives are about to be brought down and shattered! Then, our nation will be thrust forward, released to be the blessing to the nations we were created to be. To release a Gospel not tainted with corruption, but a pure, unadulterated Gospel that will set the captives free!
Hold on tight, it’s gonna be bumpy, we are removing corruption from our nation. Stay prayerful. Do not get sucked into the false narratives, be thrown by things you do not understand, and keep before you each day, it is the love of God to Awaken our nation that He might use it for His glory in the days ahead!
Stay strong my friends! Stay strong in the fight!
Blessings & love,
Ricci Johnson-Wilson