A Prophetic Voice For Today's World



Revival Fire: A Biblical Basis for Contemporary Prophetic Actions

Those who attended the recent Gathering of the Eagles in Washington, DC prayed and interceded a great deal for America. Much weeping for our country occurred, along with heartfelt pleas for God to forgive our corporate sins and bring revival.

Perilous Times

I am going to talk with you about the perilous times that lay ahead. I will share about the things that will transpire in the natural as well as what is going on in the realm of the spirit.

Melchizedek Priesthood

The Bible has much to say about The Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. This article is going to be a very brief overview of the things contained in my new book.

Visions from on High pt 2

In these visions I was shown by Jesus that He is preparing a unique place of shelter for this hour for those who are committed to the person of Jesus Christ and walk closely to Him.

Rise Up and Experience His Glory

Our DC Gathering held many things. We finished our intercession over the Civil Rights era and the effect it had on the African-Americans.

Prophetic Insight July 2006

Those of you who know that passage know that the Lord did in fact share His concern with faithful Abraham. But, what I am about to share is not really so much about Abraham as it is about the ‘Vision of the Lord.’

The Melchizedek Reformation And The Coming Revival!

The first Reformation began in the days of Noah. The Father had come to an end of His longsuffering with humanity. In His infinite knowledge He knew that if He were to wait another ten thousand years to discipline the peoples of the earth

A Look at God’s Timetable

The Church has been in a 70 year Babylonian Captivity. I believe this came about due to the spilling of innocent blood, the rejection of God’s purposes, and lack of love for humanity and that which is sacred.



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