A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

“Becoming Beacons of Truth” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Becoming Beacons of Truth” Ricci Johnson Wilson April 15, 2024 (Edited Transcript from April 12, 2024, message) To set the stage for this message, turn with me to John 18:33-38

“The Rebirth of a Nation” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“The Rebirth of a Nation” Ricci Johnson-Wilson 6-12-2023 (from our 6-8-2023 teaching)   Dear Friends and Intercessors, Thursday, June 8, 2023, I shared a vision (Dry bones and the Rebirth

“Ten Explosions Paving the Way for a Revolution in the Ecclesia!” Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Ten Explosions Paving the Way for a Revolution in the Ecclesia!” Ricci Johnson-Wilson   In February, the Lord took me into a time of prophetic intercession and warfare. After a

“Remaining in His Light while Turning the World Upside Down” by Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Remaining in His Light while Turning the World Upside Down Ricci Johnson-Wilson January 16, 2023   Dear Friends and Intercessors, “2023, the year of revolution.” It is only January 16th,

“The Call of the Intercessor” with Ricci

The Call of the Intercessor Ricci Johnson-Wilson October 17, 2022   Dear Friends,  Thank you for your faithfulness to support, pray for, and pray with our ministry on behalf of

“독수리, 성조기 그리고 자유로 향하는 길”

“독수리, 성조기 그리고 자유로 향하는 길” 뤼키 윌슨 2021년 10월 25일   2020년 9월 21일에 주신 비젼   내가 나라를 위해 기도하고 있을 때, 다음과 같은 환상을 보았다:   나는

Prophetic Update Released: 3.4.22

  Prophetic Update Released: 3.4.22   Team Meeting Nita Johnson       I had been in prayer for several hours when suddenly The Lord opened a stream of Prophetic

“Russia, China, Afghanistan and the Elite’s Plan for World War 3” Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Russia, China, Afghanistan and the Elite’s Plan for World War lll” Ricci Johnson-Wilson 2/25/2022 On February 8, 2022, I had an experience that left me shaken to my core… The

Fighting for the Destiny of our Nation…

2021 October -Ricci Johnson-Wilson – Checking in… Thank you for your continued stance on behalf of the nation! Rest assured; God is not finished with this country! The covenant that

“공의의 허리케인과 나라의 데스티니”

“공의의 허리케인과 나라의 데스티니” 뤼키 윌슨 2021년 10월 21일   주님이 정확하게 새벽 4시에 나를 깨우셨다.  나는 주님 앞에 있기 위해 물건들을 챙기면서 주님께 경배를 드렸다. 내가 앉아 마자 나는

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