A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

I Will Not Give What Cost Me Nothing with Nita Johnson

I Will Not Give What Cost Me Nothing 8.11.22 Nita Johnson       We could not do what the Lord has commissioned us to do without you. The Father

“Reign in Behind Me” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Reign in Behind Me!” Ricci Johnson-Wilson 8/23/24 10 weeks until 2024 Election… A large chunk of our family went camping a couple weeks ago. On day two, I was sitting

“Critical Warning for the Church” Nita Johnson

Critical Warning for the Church Rewritten for today 8.7.24 Nita Johnson     Hi Dear Friends:   The following is a list given to me by Jesus of false Doctrines

“Truth, Liberty, and the Restoration of our Nation” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Truth, Liberty, and the Restoration of our Nation!” Ricci Johnson-Wilson   7/27/24 Dream   I awoke Saturday morning from a dream…   In the dream I saw a judge sitting

모든 것의 끝 니타 좐슨

모든 것의 끝 니타 좐슨 8-1-24   수요일 밤에 나는 한 남자의 음성을 들었고 동시에 환상을 받았습니다. 이 두 가지 모두 우림과 둠밈에 의해 확인되었습니다. 나는 신세계질서(NWO)의 지배 아래 있게

“완전한 연합을 이루기 위한 카이로스 계절”

“완전한 연합을 이루기 위한 카이로스 계절” 뤼키 좐슨-윌슨 2024년 7월 19일 카이로스 계절 2024년 7월 3일 나는 그 날 아침 오랫동안 기도하고 있었습니다. 여러 가지에 대해 기도하고 있었는데 갑자기 내

What Bringing Down the Babylonian System has to do with our Upcoming Gathering of the Eagles July 9-12, 2024!

What Bringing Down the Babylonian System has to do with our Upcoming Gathering of the Eagles July 9-12, 2024! Ricci Johnson-Wilson 7/1/2024 (transcript accompanying 6/28/24 message) In this message, I

“Preparing the Samuel Generation to Take Their Baton” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

  Preparing the Samuel Generation to receive their Baton Ricci Johnson-Wilson 6/25/24   The last year or so, the Lord placed a burden on my heart for the youth and

“The Reformation and Reclamation of our Youth” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Reformation and Reclamation of our Youth Ricci Johnson-Wilson Transcript/teaching from June 7, 2024 In this message we will: Review the reformations of Josiah Consider the impact on Israel Apply that

“The Case for our Persistent Pursuit of the Vision” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“The Case for our Persistent Pursuit of the Vision” Ricci Johnson-Wilson 5/24/2024 Last week I shared a vision I had of God’s seal-team six rappelling down to the tectonic plates

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