Church Declarations (Portland GOE)


We Declare the reformation of this nation and the people’s support of God’s Cyrus, so that he fulfills his chosen call.  We declare that his commission from God to bring about a transformation and raise up a standard of righteousness in the land be accomplished, in the name of Jesus.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the church in America is waking up to the Lord. Church, put aside the ways of man and the thoughts of man, to seek the Living God.


  1. Church Repent! The ways of man are all wicked.  Repent for your evil and wicked ways and return to the Lord your God.  Submit to His pruning.  Submit to His purifying. He will wash and cleanse you from your impurity and unrighteousness.


  1. Forsake your ways Church. Seek Him with your whole heart.  Trust in Him with all of your heart and do not lean to your own understanding.  Know Him as Lord in all of your ways and He will direct your paths and make them straight.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the church is returning to their first love, Jesus Christ. Their relationship is filled with a heart to know Him experientially as the sovereign Lord.  Church return to Him in obedience.  He is the Lord.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the church seeks first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. All her needs are met.  Church, turn and flee swiftly from the god of mammon and seek the only true God.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the church be freed from the distractions that hinder her from being purified, sanctified, and prepared for her Bridegroom. Church, receive the heart of Esther, who made herself ready for the King. 


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the church be made holy, just as He is holy. Church come apart and separate yourselves from the world.  Separate yourselves from the world.  Separate yourselves from the spirit of compromise and be holy.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare to you Church come away. Come away from the busyness of life and the affairs of this world.  Come away from the things that choke out the word.  Set yourself in a place to receive the true word of God for today.


  1. Church, come into the secret place. We declare to you Church, abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  Wait on the Lord; wait patiently upon Him Church, that He may be gracious unto you.


  1. Wait upon the Lord, Church. Wait only on the Lord and He will cause you to rise up with wings of eagles. Wait on the Lord in quietness.  Repent before Him, for in repentance and in rest you shall be saved and in quietness and trust is your strength.  Wait I say on the Lord.


  1. Trust in the Lord and do good, Church. Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord and not in the things of this world, for then He will give you your hearts desires. Church, commit your way unto the Lord.  Put all your trust in Him church and He will do it.  He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday.


  1. Hear what the Spirit says to the Church. Be not ignorant, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Redeem the time.  Open your ears Church and hear the words of the wise.  Apply your mind to His knowledge, for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you and keep them ready on your lips.  The words of Truth are sure.


  1. Church, give attention to His words. Incline your ear to His sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight, but keep them in the midst of your heart.  For they are life to those who find them and health to all their whole being.


  1. Church, hide His word in your heart that you might not sin against your God. Be cleansed Church, by the washing of the water of the Word. His Word is a sword that purifies and purges, dividing between soul and spirit.  Eat of the Word, for it is the Bread of Life.


  1. Take up the sword Church, which is the Word of God. Take up the shield of faith, which comes by the hearing of the Word of God.  Wield the sword as a means of overcoming the enemy and taking back ground and lift up the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart of the wicked.


  1. Church, you are an overcomer. You overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word that you speak and testify of, from the word that is inside you. Fill your heart with the Word, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  The Word is power on the tongue.


  1. Church, in the name of Jesus hear the Word of the Lord and see what the Lord is doing. Be attuned to Him in all things and walk with Him wherever you go. Abide in Him, in Jesus name, for the branch cannot live unless it abides in the Vine.


  1. In the name of Jesus, Truth be raised up in the Church. Truth be raised up and lies be torn down. Lies of the past be torn down in the Church.  Lies of today be torn down.  Truth that makes free is being raised up in the Church today and bringing true freedom.


  1. In the Name of Jesus, Church, you shall be called a House of Prayer, because that is what you were created to be. We declare that prayer comes to the House of God.  We declare that programs and social events are decreasing and prayer is increasing, in the name of Jesus.


  1. In Jesus name, we Declare that the spirit of intercession is rising up in the church today. The Church hears the word of the Lord and responds to what He is saying and obeys Him. We declare that the Church today is led by the Spirit of God.


  1. Church, know your God. Those who know their God, shall be strong and do exploits. Be prepared for all things Church, by spending time in the presence of the Lord.  Be not encumbered with many things, but seek only that which leads to righteousness.


  1. Church come into the reformation of the Lord, whereby you are changed and transformed. Receive the Word of the Lord and come into the unity of the faith.  Come into the knowledge of the Son of God, Church.  Come unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, that He may be seen in you.


  1. Church, be made unto the likeness of Christ. In the name of Jesus, deception be burned away. Unholiness be burned away.  Pride be consumed by Holy Spirit fire.  Humility in obedience is coming to the Church, so that the glory of the Lord may be seen.


  1. In the name of Jesus Christ, Church come into reconciliation with one another. He who does not love his brother, cannot love God. It is impossible according to the scripture.  Submit in love and forgive one another in the bond of peace.


  1. Church, you are becoming One New Man. All are bought with the price of the blood of Jesus. Come into oneness with Christ, and by the unity of the Spirit, into the bond of peace, that the will of the Lord might be done in you.  Spirit of Reconciliation be raised up in humility.  There is no division of color, race, or gender before God.   Love one another without hypocrisy, giving preference to one another in honor.