“Word for the Nations”
June 11, 2021
Ricci Johnson-Wilson
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His Throne. (PS 89:14) These are the visions I shared on June 11, 2021.
Prophetic Advancement comes to open the eyes of the people to the harvest they are sowing into that we, as citizens of the nations, and members of the body of Christ, will humble ourselves, seek the face of God, cry out in repentance, that He will heal our lands. (2 Chron 7:14)
This is what He gave me on 12/9/2020 for the nations. The Lord has not allowed me to release this publicly until now.
America-the Light is shining in America for the first time in 50 years. (I now believe this is associated with the sanctuary cities for the unborn and the initiative of the people of the country to war within their cities and states to see righteousness prevail)
Canada- she has a small remnant fighting for – pray for an increase.
Russia- her church is asleep. Because of this, the nation is freezing over. As the Lord took me over the nation of Russia, I could see the land, it looked like a slab of meat slowly freezing over.
China is swallowed up in darkness. When He took me over this nation, it was consumed in boiling, black oil, it looked like tar it was so dark and thick. It seemed alive. It was angry, vicious even as it attempted to swallow up the nation. The Lord pulled me back and I saw it, I saw a beam of Light coming up from the center. I asked Him what this was, He replied, “This is the underground Church, and the only reason China has not been completely consumed in judgment.” Friends, there is a severe judgment coming, repentance must continue.
Africa-He took me over the continent of Africa, the nations were rumbling violently. I asked the Lord why, how? With so much work being by our JA Teams, how? The elite are working to not only destabilize this continent but wipe its inhabitants out. They want the land. He pulled me back and I saw their debt rising and tribal slavery increasing within the nations of that continent because of this debt. Poverty was so great, pennies a day were considered great wealth.
I saw a band (like a rubber band about 4-5 feet wide) extended from Africa to America. This was a result of slavery. Our repentance has brought forth a harvest of freedom from the bondage this band has had us under, but the enemy is keeping it attached. How? The 1619 project and “critical race theory.” These are being implemented throughout the federal government, academia, corporate structures, etc. However, the Lord came up with a flaming sword and severed that band and America bounced up like a ball that’s been forced underwater does when it’s released. When it settled, this nation was up about four feet higher in elevation.
6/3-7/21 – the Lord took me across the nations again and told me it was time to release this word from Him. He extended our journey, and I saw the following:
South America – I saw a sweet fragrance drifting up to the Lord. The fragrance was mingled with a song. Flower petals sang as they danced up to the heavens and I saw Revival begin to flow down over South America – the Catholic church (congregants) are about to see the truth, and the truth will set them free. I asked the Lord why… He said because even though they’re in a deception right now, their stance on abortion and birth control (those who’ve stood strong) has paved the path for an awakening in the entire continent.
Australia-communism has crept in while the church slept. This is a call to the church to rise up, repent, and push back the invasion of communism. The Spirit will lead you! He will guide you! He will strengthen you! Rise up, the time is nigh sayeth the Lord God!
India – when the Lord spoke to me regarding this nation, He let me feel the great and terrible dread that is about to descend upon India. While the church embroiled itself in idolatry, turned a blind eye to mass abortion (even sex-selective abortion and/or abandonment of those girls), corruption swept in and blanked the nation, stealing from even the poorest of the poor. The cry of the people has come up to Mine ear. I cannot begin to tell you the terrible dread that came over me. It stopped my breath. I saw power centers hit and the nation went dark – the elite thought they were exempt, but they too will be in darkness. I saw natural disasters and devastation sweep across the land. All I could do was cry out for mercy.
Repent, repent, repent, the time is nigh! We must pray for the people to repent, and turn from their wicked ways…
When we consider the Kingdom of Heaven, the Government of God, the sowing and reaping Jesus refers to in Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8, we must consider what we sow. What is it that can be harvested when the Lord releases His judgment? His judgment is justice for bloodletting. A Harvest will come forth. Mark 4:24 says to take heed what ye hear and what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you: and unto you, that hear, shall more be given.
Judgment – Krisis – to separate, distinguish, judge. Emphasizing its qualitative aspect that can apply either to a positive verdict (for righteousness) or a negative verdict which condemns the nature of sin that brings it on. (Matt 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8 teach us that angels are sent to reap the harvest for good or bad seed)
Many of these nations are coated by the bloodletting that occurs through abortion and human trafficking. This is going to take intense repentance. This is why the Lord, in His mercy, brought us through the pain of abortion last week so we could set the women and families free of this burden. We need them in this fight, as warriors and overcomers within the nations.
The sowing of repentance not only stays the hand of a negative judgment, in accordance with 2 Chron 7:14, it pricks the ear of the Father as He hears our cry.
The harvest has been brought up to the ear of our Lord. Again and again, the Lord is impressing upon my heart this cry… nations of the world be on alert! What you’ve done to My children, My Deborahs, My Elizabeths, My Ruths, My Esters, My Hannah’s, My Samuels, My Elijahs, My Davids, My Elijahs, My Joshuas, the cry of their blood has come up to Mine ear and the harvest for their brutal murder and abandonment is nigh! Repent nations of the earth, for the harvest, has come up for judgment!
May Jehovah Elohim- the Eternal Creator-have mercy.
Blessings & love,
Ricci Johnson-Wilson