“Viewing History through the Lens of the Lord” Ricci Johnson-Wilson
“Viewing History through the Lens of the Lord”
Ricci Johnson-Wilson
February 3, 2025
(From our January 31, 2025 service)
Quick review:
- December 6, 2024, I shared a message entitled Ambassadors for His Kingdom wherein I discussed our calling as Ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven.
- January 17th I shared a message entitled “Recognizing our Prophetic Timeline” wherein I discussed several visions the Lord had given me regarding the time we are in right now
- January 24th, I gave Part two of “Recognizing our Prophetic Timeline” wherein I shared the importance of enduring the bumps that we will face in the coming days because the things we are uprooting are deeper than we fully understand. During this last message, I really targeted the importance of recognizing the steps President Trump and his Cabinet are taking to extract the 45 Goals of Communism from our nation.
Why would I tell the Church to seek to recognize these things?
I wanted to encourage us to do two things:
- Engage even more in both prayer and possibly action now that we have God’s choice in office. We have to capitalize on this season that we are in, I cannot express this strongly enough. We need to engage in the fight to extract those communist agendas from our Church, Academia, Media, Government and so on, and then work to implement righteousness, or righteous individuals, and righteous policies where applicable.
- When we have “bumps” or “obstacles” on this journey of reclaiming our nation, we need to refuse to back down in our fight or allow discouragement to set in. Instead, press in even harder!
These messages build upon each another to help us in our pursuit of God’s plans and purposes for our lives as Believers, our call as Intercessors, and our position as Citizens of this nation.
Ephesians 1:15-23
15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22 and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.”
Paul encountered the Ephesians in Acts 19. He spent a great deal of time with the Church preparing them to be a light unto the region. It was a very worldly region full of lust and idolatry, division and strife, and a time when understanding warfare was paramount to the walk of the believer. Much like our own time.
Before we pursue applying this passage to what I just shared about pushing back against communism, let’s look at the Greek definition for some of these key words from this Scripture, particularly Ephesians 1:17-20 so we can understand what Paul is saying through this passage.
Understanding the Greek or Hebrew of the text we are reading will unlock a level of the Scriptures that can, through prayer, cause them to be imprinted on our hearts. This kind of revelation can change us at a deeper level than we can even imagine. In the New Testament we have the Greek, in the Old Covenant we have the Hebrew. However, all but Luke in the New Testament were of Jewish descent so even though they spoke Greek, the content often contains a depth of Jewish tradition and understanding.
Spirit of Wisdom—Sophia.
- In the New Testament, “sophia” refers to wisdom, intelligence, and insight which comes from God, encompassing both practical and spiritual understanding. Sophia transcends mere intellectual knowledge, emphasizing a moral and spiritual dimension. It is often contrasted with human wisdom, which is limited and flawed.
- Divine wisdom is characterized by insight into God’s purposes and the ability to live righteously. It is a gift from God, available to those who seek it earnestly.
- Wisdom, in the Hebrew is often personified, as one should take on the characteristic or nature of wisdom.
- Wisdom from God enables us to view things both internally and externally through the lens of the Lord.
Spirit of Revelation—Apokalupsis.
- To uncover, to reveal. This is often used to describe the disclosure of Divine truths or the manifestation of God’s Divine will and purposes.
Spirit of Knowledge—Epignosis.
- Literally means toward knowledge. The term “epignósis” refers to a deep, thorough, and precise knowledge. It implies a full understanding or a discernment that goes beyond mere factual awareness. In the New Testament, it often denotes a spiritual or moral insight that is granted by God, particularly in the context of knowing Christ and His will.
Eyes of your Understanding be enlightened- Dianora.
- This is critical thinking, and it involves reviewing the issue from one side of it to the other side to reach a balanced conclusion. We don’t have a lot of this happening in this day and age. However, the Believer should pursue dianora.
- Dianora refers to the mind or intellect, encompassing the faculties of understanding, reasoning, and thought. It is often used to describe the inner workings of the mind, including intentions, purposes, and the capacity for moral reasoning.
- In the New Testament, “dianoia” is frequently associated with the transformation and renewal of the mind in the context of spiritual growth and understanding God’s will.
- To have the eyes of your understanding enlightened literally means to “have the eyes of your heart opened.” This encompasses both the mind and the emotions. It compels us to draw upon God for His understanding, His revelation, His lens from which we view the events we see before us.
Let’s read it again with the definitions included in the passage:
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom, that which transcends mere intellectual knowledge and emphasizes both moral and spiritual dimensions and revelation that discloses divine truths and manifests God’s will and purposes in the knowledge of Him which brings forth intimate understanding which goes beyond factual awareness but grants you a depth of insight into His holy will for your life both spiritually and literally: 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened the eyes of your heart be exposed to His light so that you can draw upon God for His understanding on the matters set before you: why?; That ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints
For the Believer, the Intercessor, and the Citizen I would argue that it requires that as we view the events before us, we put on the mind of Christ and view those events through His lens rather than our own.
Why is this significant? Our greatest failures in life come because we view things through our own lens. We rebel, we reject, we even rescind the Biblical definition of truth because we are viewing things through our own, unrefined lens. When we stop pursuing His Heavenly will first, by default, we will then pursue our earthly will. If we stay on that particular path, truth will ultimately be compromised and adjusted to fit within the context of our finite understanding. Every single time.
For me, when I struggle to really grab hold of what is before me, either on a personal level or a national level, trusting God for His Heavenly Will to be accomplished here on earth becomes paramount. If I don’t, I will get in the way of what God is doing. I will view the events before me through my own lens rather than laying my preconceived ideas on the altar and saying “okay Lord, reveal Your will for this situation to me that I might walk, pray, and/or act according to Your divine and holy will.
For us to have the eyes of our understanding enlightened means to have the eyes of our heart exposed to His light. When our heart is exposed to His light, it changes us from within and enables us to see things through His lens.
I would also like to include the Greek word for “enlightened” here—Photizo
- This is God , sharing His life, exposing and overcoming darkness such as ignorance caused by sin. Photizo in the Jewish tradition, symbolized God’s presence, His guidance and His revelation on one’s life.
If we are to function at the higher levels of these positions, we must step up and allow God to shine His light on our understanding and transition how we view things from our personal lens to His Divine, Omnipresent lens so we can operate accordingly.
When we view things through our own lens, it takes us on a path of destruction.
When we view things through God’s lens, our pursuit changes. We look at things through Kingdom principles, we pursue His will rather than our own. Whether this is on a personal level (i.e. the Believer or Intercession) or a national level (as the Citizen), if it becomes personal, it will influence the Church and ultimately, the nation. If we consistently pursue this through God’s lens, it will influence the Church and the Nation on a much higher level, and this really should be our goal.
An historical example for us:
In the early 17th Century, the “Age of Enlightenment” entered the European stage.
There were two paths taken:
The “great thinkers” sought to strip photizo—God’s presence, guidance and revelation—from their pursuit of dianora—understanding. The great thinkers of the day came up with their own theories about creation, science, biology and so on. This period may referred to as “the age of enlightenment” but in reality, a pursuit of understanding of anything without shining God’s light upon it produces limited knowledge on the topic. This path served to bring people into a time of self-reflection and self-actualization. So much so, they turned inward, stood around their wooden rooms, smoking their pipes, drinking their tea or whatever, and discussed their own so-called revelations until they had summed up their “revelations” into a neat little package and they were ready to spew it out on the little, uneducated guy, and then retreat into their think tank. I personally feel this was the beginning of the end of their true potential and I’m relieved that, for the most part, they hovered around the European nations.
The second path was the less chartered, more unrefined path in the eyes of man, but the one that pursued God that He would shine forth His photizo on their hearts and minds and bring forth His revelation to guide and direct their path. God was moving upon His men and women to go West. To pursue His will and His ways for eternal purposes. God was bringing His servants, those who would prepare this nation to be a refuge place, a place from which the Gospel would pour out unto all the earth, one that would have as its first flag an evergreen tree with “an appeal to heaven” written across the top, over here in preparation for what He was birthing in the earth.
Why these men and women? These early settlers had already been compelled by God to separate themselves from the enlightenment of man, and pursue the photizo or enlightenment of God, viewing things through His lens rather than their own. They were willing to climb aboard a ship and sail for months across raging seas to a land completely foreign to them. Once they landed on the shores of Virgina they ripped the mast of that ship apart and planted the Cross on the sandy shores and dedicated this nation to the spread of the Gospel. This was certainly a bold move, there was no turning back! They were full of faith, He had spoken to them, He prepared them, and He equipped them with His revelation to take this permanent journey into the destiny God had for them, as well as the one He’d written before time began, for our nation. The destiny we have the privilege to continue pursuing today.
The first group took God out of the equation.
The second only viewed the equations through the lens of the Lord.
They availed the eyes of their heart to the photizo of God and He in turn, gave them the directives, the courage, and the ability to stay the course.
We see this same concept today. We have those who view the events of today through their own thoughts and ideals, they look at what is happening through the lens of the culture which is deceitfully wicked and morally bankrupt therefore has nothing of value to even draw from, but they persist in their pursuits.
Why is this a dangerous path? Culture works to redefine the things of God to fit within their own ideology. This inevitably compels a person to pursue anti-God ideals for their answers, and the path for their lives, and the lives of those around them.
Then, there are those who continue to view things through the lens of the Lord and pursue His will and His ways in their lives as Believers, as Intercessors, and as Citizens of this nation.
Let’s look at some life applications for this passage.
First, we are ambassadors for His Kingdom. As Believers, as Intercessors, and as Citizens, who have dual citizenship of both Heaven and America, maintaining a life wherein His photizo is consistently shining upon the eyes of our heart is critical to bring forth wisdom, revelation and knowledge in this crazy and chaotic world. This is an absolute must if we are truly to be Ambassadors for Him, Intercessors who pray His heavenly will here on earth, and Citizens who bring forth both truth and light to push back against this darkness that’s sought to overtake our nation.
As Mom shared Thursday, President Trump is the Washington of our day, and to be honest, they both endured just about the same number of assassination attempts. Why? Because they have been created to wrest this nation from elites. Washington was created to lead the Revolution that would wrest this nation from the tyrannical reign of England. Trump was created to lead the Revolution that would wrest America from the tyrannical reign of the Cabal.
Why was this necessary? We as a nation, got off course, and God in His infinite wisdom, looked at where our nation was heading and brought Donald J. Trump forth to help set us back on course. Of course, he didn’t know that when he was born, but God would use every success and failure of President Trump to prepare him for the Presidency. God would impart an understanding of things beyond what 99.99% of the population are capable of understanding, and at the appointed moment, President Trump would come to the forefront and lead this nation back on the course God intended for us.
How did the Cabal get us so far off course? In short, by forcing the righteous to bow to the culture. I’ve discussed—in great detail—the path of Communism to weaken our nation from within, but they would not have been as successful as they have if the Church or righteous citizens had demanded the culture maintain the standards set forth in Scripture.
Did you know, when the movie and television began, Hollywood was required (and willingly complied) to submit their scripts to the Church council? Why? To ensure the film industry did not reshape and weaken the culture of this nation. They had to abide by Biblical standards, or they would not have permission to use the script. This is why even in those early sitcoms such as “I love Lucy” and “Leave it to Beaver” the parents slept in twin beds. So as to not give any impression of impurity to impressionable minds. Today, Hollywood has been used mightily to reshape the culture in a very dangerous and grotesque way.
A couple years ago the Lord told me America’s Red Sea Moment was approaching. Before this could occur, there were 10 Cultural Marxist agendas that God was going to deal with in the Church! The Church! God looks at the heart, and the Church is the heart of this nation.
Today, there’s been a deep divide taking place in religious circles. The true Church is rising, and the apostate church is exposing itself.
As Believers and Intercessors, it’s important we continue to pray for the Church. Pray for the Lord to purify it, grant it the wisdom, the knowledge and the understanding of His will and His ways so that we can see God’s heavenly will done here on earth. May the Church see this period in history through the lens of the Lord and embrace His righteous ways in our personal lives and then demand it in our congregations. 2 Thessalonians 2 teaches us that the Church is the restrainer of evil in the earth, we have more power and authority than we realize, but we cannot exercise it when we ourselves are living compromised lives.
Let’s read Ephesians 1:17-18 again, and with the definitions included in the passage:
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom, that which transcends mere intellectual knowledge and emphasizes both moral and spiritual dimensions and revelation that discloses divine truths and manifests God’s will and purposes in the knowledge of Him which brings forth intimate understanding which goes beyond factual awareness but grants you a depth of insight into His holy will for your life both spiritually and literally: 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened the eyes of your heart be exposed to His light so that you can draw upon God for His understanding on the matters set before you: why?; That ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints
As citizens, who are pursuing the inheritance of the saints, what is that inheritance? Our eternal salvation yes, but we are Christ’s inheritance. And believe it or not, America is also part of our inheritance. You have to live in another country or at least spend a great deal of time in another country and then return to America to understand that even in our current state, America is the only nation that really still has His prevailing Light.
Friends, we must continue to fight for it, because when this light goes out, that is it.
What does this have to do with today, President Trump, our 2nd American Revolution?
Many of the Executive Orders President Trump is signing right now, need to be codified by Congress. We’ve had so much back and forth on issues such as Hyde Amendment which prevents the use of federal funds to pay for elective abortions. President Trump is demanding it be enforced and calling for permanence. Biden lifted the enforcement and allowed Federal funds to pay for elective abortion around the world.
President Trump signed several EOs to protect our children, from School Choice, to the declaration that there are only two genders (can you believe this had to occur) but with the swipe of a pen, we dropped from 72 to 2 genders, to a nationwide ban on transgender indoctrination in our schools, to a federal ban on transgender surgeries on minors. All of these things need to be codified by Congress. The fact that we have to even discuss this tells us the slippery slope we’ve been on the last few years and how important it is for us to actively engage in the fight to remove corruption from our nation.
Again, why is this message so important? Because as Believers, Intercessors and Citizens, we have to view this period in history through the lens of the Lord and see it as His mercy, to give us an opportunity to make permanent changes in the nation. Changes we’ve prayed over, in some cases, for decades. We cannot get wrapped up in the accusations of racist stuff, the transphobia stuff, the male chauvinist stuff, we have to see those accusations through the lens of the Lord recognizing that the Cabal has worked just as hard to implement the things we’ve been fighting to uproot all these years and they have a lot to lose. So, they are going to keep fighting in hopes of distracting the people from the issues until they are uprooted.
They are going to unleash a wave of lies to distract us from what God wants to bring.
The pharmaceutical companies and the social justice warriors are going to fight these things with massive lawsuits, but again, we cannot back down in our own fight to eradicate this level of corruption from our soil. Do not fall for it! Stand strong!
Part of this fight will involve State Governors suing the Trump Administration for the steps he’s taking.
I want to encourage you here, do not be anxious when you see these things happening. Why? Because these lawsuits bring exposure to corruption at the state levels. They also pave the way for key issues to be brought up the judicial ladder to the Supreme Court, and if need be, for them to make decisions that will roll out over the nation. It also brings awareness, and we will see precedence set, so do not be afraid, instead, stay in prayer.
Christians are often fearful of taking a path that entails resistance. It’s time we get comfortable with being uncomfortable! We are the resistance my friends, just like the early settlers were the resistance against the compromised Church, and Washington was the resistance of the tyrannical reign of the Crown, we are the resistance to the compromise and tyranny of the Cabal! We need only stand our ground, remain consistent in our fight, and push back against their lies every time and we will see a new America in a year, imagine what God will do through Trump in 4? Or 8?
I want to remind you, the enemy will always seek to impede, distract, or dissuade our efforts by clouding the lens through which we view things. Often, he needs only to use media outlets to do so.
What do we do?
Two things:
We have to turn off those outlets that do not align with God’s plans for the nation.
We need to stop considering things from our own lens. We are at literally at war for this nation and should keep that at the forefront of our prayers and our actions each day.
I’ll close with this:
When Washington and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence signed and sent that historical document off to England, that was a declaration of war. If they succeeded in the battle, we would have our nation. If they didn’t, they would be tried and hung as traitors to the Crown. At the time of the signing, 30% of the nation sided with the Crown. 30% wanted to fight for our independence, and the other 40% just wanted to stay out of it and live their lives. The Revolutionary War was coming here regardless. Some fought with the Crown, some tried to stay hidden, but the rest, the 30% who knew and understood the pivotal moment they were in, freedom of slavery, liberty or death, God or the Crown, fought alongside Washington with everything they had. Many died horrible, unconscionable deaths, but they are the martyrs of the Revolutionary War. And because they never gave up and instead, viewed history through the lens of the Lord and fought to the death, we honor their sacrifice by picking up the baton in this Revolution 2.0 under our newly elected Washington 2.0 President Donald J Trump, trusting God’s plans, God’s purposes, and God’s heavenly will to be accomplished here on earth.
Should the Lord tarry, we will look back at this time in history as not only the second Revolutionary War, but history will write of one of the greatest Presidents whoever lived, who helped to wrest America from the hands of the Cabal and set the captives free. President Donald J. Trump, the 45th and the 47th President of the United States of America.
Heaven’s record will include those intercessors who refused to compromise and instead, took a daily account to ensure they viewed history through the lens of the Lord and remained in the fight.
What a blessing and a privilege to be part of God’s amazing plans and purposes! Amen? Amen!
Blessings & love,
Ricci Johnson-Wilson