“Truth, Liberty, and the Restoration of our Nation!”

Ricci Johnson-Wilson


7/27/24 Dream


I awoke Saturday morning from a dream…


In the dream I saw a judge sitting in front of a massive table. In front of him was all the evidence of election fraud from the 2020 election. Two other judges, who also happened to be constitutional lawyers, were sitting with him at the table reviewing and discussing each piece of evidence. While I could not hear the entirety of their conversation, the running theme was “it’s undeniable” and “what do we do?”


I knew they had this evidence for at least 2 years, perhaps longer. 


They also had the US Constitution and several other letters between founding members to see if somewhere among these documents there was something that could guide them in their next steps. Were there Constitutional intentions that demonstrated how they should handle this situation? It was unprecedented to remove a sitting president and then bring in the duly elected president half-way through the term which is why they were still sitting on the evidence. They feared the potential for chaos in an already volatile nation.


Now, two years later, between the state of our nation and the recent events, they simply knew they could no longer keep the information hidden. They made the decision to release it just prior to the 2024 election. I could not tell how long before, only that it was before the election.


A media frenzy ensued.


“Newsflash” from various outlets lit up phones all over the nation (presumably the world) that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.  People were in absolute shock; it’s as though the nation fell silent. (This reminded me of the Kairos Season experience the Lord gave me July 3rd where everything fell silent and time stood still, just before He began to show me the events that were coming, this will be one of those events.)


After the newsflashes lit up phones, I saw text exchanges between previously, deeply divided family members with a screenshot they’d captured of the headline “2020 Election was stolen” and below it “you were right…”


There were no gloating responses sent in return, just a sense of relief that the truth came out. People were deeply grieved that they didn’t believe the family members, repentant even. Especially considering the state our nation was in at the time of the release of this truth. People did not fight it; the evidence was undeniable. They seemed relieved that what they were seeing in the world around them was brought about by an intentional deception. It provided them with a sense of comfort that the situation in our nation could be rectified.


The understanding that came in was that it was propagated by voter fraud, the communist congress, and the media who was not just complicit but actively engaged in the deception. Something clicked within the people and flashes of control and manipulation such as we read in 1984 appeared before them.


They turned their minds off to the media.  


Again, the nation was silent, the question that raced through everyone’s minds was “what do we do now?” Only the information was released, no one was providing a solution or resolution to this unprecedented situation. It’s as though the outcome was left in the hands of the people.


The judges I mentioned offered a public apology and said they simply didn’t know what to do with what they had, they feared chaos and even a civil war over this issue. However, with the election coming up, they had to release the truth. They could not risk it happening again, it was clear, there would be nothing left of our nation if it was repeated.


The people of the nation rose up, I saw people I know very well who voted for democrats, run to the ballot box and vote for Trump and America First candidates. Millions upon millions of minorities, life-long democrats, union members, and those “never Trumpers” stood in exceptionally long lines to vote for President Trump.


Note: somehow, this revelation is going to pull back the veil and people are going to see the that the lies they’ve been told about Trump for the last 8 years were indeed part of a misinformation and disinformation campaign intentionally designed to divide and conquer the American people so they could take America down.


In the next scene I saw President Trump and Melania laying across their bed. Both were still dressed in their most elegant attire… his tie was loosened, and her shoes were kicked off… but he looked over to her and said “finally, finally they know the truth, and now, we can save this nation.”  He had such relief in his heart. 


She responded with, “Donald, I knew in my heart the truth would eventually come out, the people are behind you, now, let us do what we came here to do.”


Next, I saw the American people, all races, stand together in a tremendous spirit of unity and patriotism. They went to work rebuilding, restoring, and reclaiming the land.


As I came out of the dream, I entered a vision wherein I saw the American people as they came home from work, all sitting around the table reading the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. They were searching information on our founding fathers and our history… there was this national sense of “I don’t ever want to be duped like this again, we almost lost everything.” 


They were hungry for truth, for liberty, and a deep desire to come together as one and work to restore the nation God created for us. They saw the destiny for our nation and regardless of their own religious stance, somehow, they knew God was behind the forming of our country and the preserving of it in the midst of unprecedented trials.


-End of the dream-


I want to add that there was not an official or national call for unity and peace, but a deep desire to enter a place of unity and peace with their fellow Americans began to rise up across the land. The sense of patriotism was much like what we witnessed July 4, 2020, when President Trump had the 4th of July event at Mount Rushmore. I remember so clearly watching this event and I could sense this presence of unifying patriotism in the atmosphere of those attending. There was a longing as well, longing for a nation of people to arise from the ashes of the past decade or more and walk together as one.


In 2022 the Lord said that 2024 would be the year of Reclamation, in addition, His glory was going to pour in 2024. He told Mom we would have our Liberty in 2024.


Why is it important that we remember this now? Because we are in the process of reclaiming that which the enemy has stolen. Part of this is the hunger for the presence of God, a deep quest for His glory to pour out upon our Churches, our cities, and our nation. His presence, in this promised outpouring, heals the nation, reforms the heart of the people, and rekindles the fire of God within the heart of even the coldest individuals. As this occurs, there will not be black or white, young or old, but there will be the all-consuming fire of God that will mark the saved and the unsaved, they will be drawn into the warmth of the fire of the True and Living God.


What is it that Melania was referring to in terms of “now let us do what we came here to do”?



~2016 Vision~


Several weeks before the 2016 election (this is when Jon and I were holding special prayer on Tuesdays just to pray for the election). While we were in prayer I had a vision of Donald J Trump. I saw his whole life- past, present and even his future. I saw his successes, failures, sorrows, celebrations, in both the personal and professional realm scrolling before me so quickly I could hardly keep track of any single event. I knew that these events collectively made the man we know as Donald J. Trump.

In the vision, he stepped forward onto the inaugural stage to be sworn into the office of the Presidency as the 45th President of the United States.

His heel hit the stage, and in tandem with that moment, the lessons of those past experiences began pouring out across the nation like tiny grains of sand. However, instead of sand, they were glistening granules of light. (Romans 8:28-29) As they spread across the land, these tiny granules of light burst forth and penetrated the darkness to bring healing to the nation. The people, the economy, the educational system, the political realm, and so on, healing simply poured out across the land. By the time his toe hit the stage, the entire nation had a golden hue, glistening in the morning sunlight.

The Lord told me He’d created Trump for this hour in history. Everything he’d ever experienced in his 70 years would be poured out to heal and rebuild our Nation. This is why Trump was created!

Knowing this, how could I not commit to pray for him every day?

(UPDATE 7/15/24: I believe the Lord was showing me two inaugurations, the heel striking the stage was the first, the toe striking it is the second. In his second term in office, we will see the glistening granules of light blanket the land and bring healing. The reality is, the fulness of the corruption and sickness in our nation had not begun to be fully exposed until this period from 2021-today. Especially in light of this recent attack on his life.)

People are out to destroy him because he carries within him the passion to reclaim and restore our country and that’s in direct opposition to the plans of the elite. He wants to build a wall to protect our borders, implement the same requirements Canada has in place for immigrants, and the media declares him a racist. Syria allowed a flood of immigrants into their Nation; now they hardly have a nation left. ISIS infiltrated the influx of refugees, and ISIS is destroying yet another country. He wants to rebuild the inner cities; the Elite want them left to their own demise. He wants to bring back factories, the Elite see it as interfering with their destabilizing process. And, on and on it goes. 

This is serious, my friends. My heart is burdened with the need to raise intercessors to stand in the gap for the one person who is willing to make difficult and strategic moves, face every obstacle head on, to do as he promised, and give this Nation back to God and back into the hands of the American people. (This is what I believe Melania was referring to in the first dream.)

And… it goes without saying, this is a huge task!


The next season is not going to be as easy or as smooth as we’d desire, but the Lord is exposing and removing corruption so that we can reclaim our land, our families, our Church, and so on. That must be our priority, we are restoring our nation, let us anchor ourselves in truth and pursue justice.

What is true Justice?  


~Visit from the Angel of Justice~


In May of 2021, I was preparing to get on a corporate call, and came into the kitchen to refill my water before going into my room. I glanced out the kitchen window while my cup was filling up and saw a shirtless guy running at full speed and suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks, as though he hit a brick wall, and bounced off and landed on the ground. He sat up and looked around. A few seconds later, the police ran up, grabbed hold of him and dragged him into the shade of the tree and proceeded to read him his rights.


I was dumbfounded by the whole thing as it was occurring in my front yard! I asked the Lord what just happened… this man literally bounced off of nothing. The Lord said, “it was not nothing, it was Justice, the Angel of Justice is here.”


This reminded me of the Scripture: Psalm 34:7 “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and He delivers them.”  We just need to remain humble, retain the fear of the Lord, and trust what He is doing in the nation.


Next, I’m going to share a progression of visions the Lord gave beginning with what was shown in our first Gathering in 1999 and then two He recently gave to me in 2021 and 2023 that that deal with not just the work the Lord is doing, but the impact of the exposure that His work is accomplishing.


  • Angel of Reformation ~ September 1999

In 1999 the Lord sent the Angel of Reformation to work with us in the Gatherings. Since then, the Lord has used this work to expose and uproot the corruption. We have a good deal of soot that had to be removed to expose the roots so they can be uprooted and destroyed. Remember, we are not just covering up corruption, but rather, pulling up the corruption and then rebuilding and restoring the land.


  • Hurricane of Justice ~ 10-21-21


There will be seven waves of Justice coming to the nation and when it comes, just like that man who ran across my yard, it will sweep across this land. We will all feel the justice of God as He brings it into our land. Those in Him, anchored, will be safe and protected.


To briefly summarize that experience here, the Lord took me up over the nation and showed me a hurricane we were going to go through. At that time, He said JUSTICE was coming and the Church needed to prepare.


The seven waves of Justice—the fight is against a tyrannical regime that’s tried to destroy this nation!

  • President Trump (we would see this dealt with in the very first dream I shared)
  • The Church – this refers to persecution of the Church and Corruption within it.
  • Bloodletting, the unborn, slaughtered at will.
  • Victims of covid-19 (this includes those who’ve lost family members, jobs, businesses, vaccine mandates, the increase in children who were victimized due to the lockdowns, and the economy as a whole)
  • Election: Elected officials who are not in their rightful place (remember the dream I had of the indictments the judge was signing? Over 200 indictments) (we would see this dealt with in the very first dream I shared)
  • Blood of the martyrs, past and present the living martyrs (think of the Huguenots and the people in Afghanistan, J6 defendants, the police who’ve been murdered in cold blood as a result of the lies of the media in the 2020 BLM protests)
  • Our Flag- burned mercilessly in the streets in 2020 (The American flag represents an adamant stand against tyrannical rule.)


With each wave of Justice, the Fear of God fell within our nation in greater measure.


This is coming, what we see today is grotesque, every bullet point here is oozing with grotesque sin and is indeed, demonstrating one abomination before the Lord after the other.


As God deals with these sins within our own nation by exposing them to the degree He’s exposing them in this hour, the people will rise up and vomit this sin out of their mouths!


As this happens, the impact of the “Hurricane of Justice” will start to roll out. By the end of this season, the fear of God will fall upon this nation like never before and then we will witness as it ripples across the nations of the earth. This is the reverential fear and awe of a Holy God. It is a fear that makes men quake at the thought of sinning against God. How desperately we need this restored…


  • Hammer of Justice –

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, I had a vision of a huge hammer coming down on the nations. When I asked the Lord what this was, He said, “The Hammer of Justice is Falling.”


When the Hammer of Justice falls, we will all feel its force.


It will fall in several realms:

  • The Media/Entertainment
  • Government/Political
  • The Educational
  • The Financial
  • The Church
  • Bloodletting (this involves human trafficking and abortion)


~We must remain humble. When the people of God humble themselves before Him, He will rise up and protect them. This, in part, will cause the hearts of an opposing people to melt within them and ultimately, their desire to fight against that nation leaves, much like we read about in the book of Joshua. (Joshua 2:10-11, 9:1-2, 10:1-2)


~We must have a “blameless heart.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is blameless toward him.” (AMPC)


How do we enter a state where our “heart is blameless” before Him?


2 Chronicles 7:14 “if My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


  • We humble ourselves
  • We pray
  • We seek His face
  • We turn from our wicked ways


As a ministry, we’ve sought the face of God through 25 years of repentance to see our nation restored. I see the signs because the Lord in His mercy reveals them.


What can we look for?


What are the signs that a nation is restored?


  • Idolatry is brought down, and the fear of God is restored.


  • Bloodletting is exposed and the efforts to bring it to an end are implemented.


  • Human Trafficking: Laws and task forces to fight Human Trafficking are implemented. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. After over 17 years of repentance over the enslavement and abuse of Native-American, African-American and Asian-Americans, God moved on President Trump to sign executive orders allowing federal funding to go toward task forces specifically designed to fight human trafficking. Today, there are task forces in nearly every police department in the country designed to fight and/or partner with agencies set up to fight human trafficking.
  • The overturning of Roe v Wade was a tremendous step. After decades of intercession over this issue, on June 24, 2022, this horrific, unconstitutional decision by the 1972 (it was released in 1973) Supreme Court was finally overturned! After 50 years! (As I shared last week, we really need to pray that the Church will get involved in this fight, we are key to seeing it brought to an end.)


  • The house of God is repaired. To repair the house of God, it first must be exposed. We are witnessing the exposure of that fractured body in great and tragic ways right now. When this season is over, we will see the rising warrior come forth. We must continue to pray over the things I shared last week. The Church is fractured, God wants to restore it as a rising warrior!


  • The strength in the Church will be demonstrated in unprecedented ways. There are God-fearing pastors who, after witnessing the spiritual and emotional impact of Covid on the nation, vowed to never allow the government to interfere with their Constitutional right to assemble again. They are calling for a day of repentance and fasting every week until further notice due to the state of the body of Christ, the nation and so on. We see harvest crusades so impacting a community, over 5000 get baptized in a weekend! God is moving!


  • The house of God will engage in the work it was created for. This is the Matthew 28:19-20 commission which releases the government of God. And the Mark 16:15-18 commission which builds the family of God. We are called to influence the nation with a righteous standard. Carl Marx was asked why he could not infiltrate and overtake England with his ideology. He responded with one word “Spurgeon.” Why? Because Spurgeon strengthened the Church with the Word of God and the revelatory teachings he brought forth. The result was a shield was raised-that being the Church-which protected the nation. When the Church is engaged, the enemy cannot penetrate or overtake that nation. In fact, he’s got to flee!


These are just some of the things we will witness as a sign that should cause our ears to perk up, our hearts to leap, and our faith to increase as we pray for the restoration of our nation.


It begins with exposing the truth and a breaking off the deception and will end with a rebuilding of the land.


As believers, as intercessors, it’s important we continue to stand in the gap for President Trump, the Church, and our nation! Paul instructed the Church to pray for their leaders. Now, we have a man who shares the same love of country, and of his fellow man that Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy shared, and the Church needs to rally around him and provide a shield of protection. The Angel of Justice is here! That justice falls across the whole land, let’s make sure we are on the right side of the work he’s doing.


Continue to press in and press on my friends, we can see that God is not finished with America, in fact, the best has only just begun!


Blessings & love,
