The heart is deceitfully wicked above all other things. In our flesh dwells no good thing. None of us knows how bad and dark the depth of our heart really is. But, Jesus knows!
The heart is deceitfully wicked above all other things. In our flesh dwells no good thing. None of us knows how bad and dark the depth of our heart really is. But, Jesus knows!
Many prophetic voices are speaking today, one says one thing and another says the opposite. Who is right? And, why are there so many voices?
The Lord has dealt with me for many years concerning the self-righteousness of the Church. It is indeed a grievous thing to Him as we stunt our personal growth and inhibit our relationship with Him as a result. Further, it is a deadly symptom of the relig
I had a most wonderful dream. I found myself standing on the beach of what I initially thought to be an ocean. It was incredibly deep and wide.
This article is difficult for me to write, but I don’t feel I can stay silent on the issue any longer. I will try to be very careful as I share what is on my heart, as I know this is a very sensitive issue with many Christians.
Last October the Lord gave me a dream about the apostolic ministry.
Grande oscurità sta per scendere su quei paesi che hanno sentito il Mio vangelo ma non camminano in esso. La mia ira sarà contro ogni impurità, scenderà con grande intensità.
Il Suo Spirito verrà e porterà un’ondata sul corpo di Cristo: di gloria, forza, potenza, autorità, fede sopranaturale e miracoli. C’è anche un prezzo. Siamo pronti?
In the month of December I made a trip to Alaska at the invitation of a pastor to spend some time in prayer and fasting. While locked away in solitude seeking the Lord He gave me a dream.