Critical Warning for the Church

Rewritten for today


Nita Johnson



Hi Dear Friends:


The following is a list given to me by Jesus of false Doctrines that are already swirling through the body of Christ. Unfortunately, as is always the case, false doctrines thrive when the light of Truth is diminished, whether it be in the life of one, a Church, or a whole denomination. With a bit of instruction, even a child can understand the Bible. When she was but six years old, my Granddaughter Tiffany read the entire Bible in one year. She did the same again in the second year. Truth does not have to be challenging to learn and receive. If a person is a true Christian, he/she can understand the Bible. The problem arises when a person starts adding darkness to the light, such as with false versions of the Bible or false teachings. It can quickly produce an exponential growth curve right into darkness and confusion. Keep it simple, learn line upon line, precept upon precept, depend on the Holy Spirit and prayer in a Spirit of humility, and over time, you can learn much pure Truth.


Let me add one more thought. I read, study and meditate out of only two versions of the Bible by the Lord’s request. The KJV (Dakes Study Bible and

Zodhiates Greek and Hebrew Study Bible.) And (AMPC study Bible) My main study is done on the KJV with my AMPC by my side to check when and wherever I want.


I hope you will find this list helpful. It is important to protect ourselves and our children from False Doctrines. Truth is the most beautiful thing in the world. May you find it forever precious!         


False Doctrines Embraced by the Church




I clearly saw that one of the things that members of the Church will embrace

is called Chrislam. This teaching comprises both Christianity and Islam.



1.) I found myself in the doorway of a vast room full of Christians. Jesus was by my side. I saw an Imam, an Islamic leader, teaching the Christians about Islam. When he finished, he took an altar call for those who wanted to embrace Islam. They were not being asked to give up their Christian beliefs, only to believe Islam with the same force. Everyone in the room raised their hands, and Chrislam was born in America. I saw a veil of delusion come upon the people the minute they raised their hands. It came down upon the people, changing their vision. I asked the Lord, Who was standing next to me: “What is going on here? These people are Christians. How can they embrace Islam?” The Lord said, “They are people of compromise.”



Some Tenets of Chrislam


         i  Chrislam rejects the deity of Christ.

  1. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet.

iii. Chrislam rejects Jesus’ atoning work on The Cross.

  1. Chrislam rejects the vicarious death of Christ.
  2. Chrislam rejects the Bible as the inherent Word of God.



I am well aware that Chrislam has already begun. Nonetheless, when I heard about it, I did not give it much thought because it seemed absurd. God is now saying, “This is an issue that is on His heart, and so it needs to become an issue on our heart.”


  1. Paragraph on Judaism!

Jesus said: the day is coming when false doctrines will be preached and embraced in this Nation. Many Christians who have hearts of compromise will embrace them, but they will be deceived and destroyed. I asked the Lord, “Is this mixture the only one?” He replied, “No.” So I asked, “What are the others?”


Our Lord’s response is listed in the following pages.




2.) He brought to my attention another movement yet in its infancy in the body of Christ. People are getting involved in knowing and understanding the roots of Judaism and how the Church is born out of the roots of Israel. Paul talked about it himself in the Bible. They start getting involved in understanding the roots of the Judeo-Christian faith, but instead of just understanding the roots and heading up to the glory at the top of the tree, they get stuck on the roots, where they lose the beauty of their faith. The Lord showed me that this deception would be propelled to a new dimension. It will be the Book of Hebrews all over again. The people will hear this teaching, and instead of embracing grace and faith, they will go back to embracing the law and will lose their salvation over it.





3.) There will also be those involved in a Hyper-Grace message. They will begin to view grace as not the cure but the Band-Aid. As a result, they will live lives of deep sin, thinking, “Well, the grace of God will cover me.” They will cease to repent, cease to apologize, cease to know sorrow over their sin, and cease to love the Cross. They will lose their love for the Blood, thinking grace has covered all of their sins, while they continue living for the World. In the final end they will consider “SIN” to be an unspoken word and not to be mentioned at all in their sin-filled life. They will persist in going deeper and deeper into the World. Even though they lose their salvation, they will cling to what they perceive to be the grace of God covering their sins, bringing forth a very impure sector of the Church. Again, I know it has been with us for a while. This is not new. There is a rather outrageous stream of this teaching that is as dangerous as it gets.   


I first wrote this brief article year ago when Jesus first taught me about it. 


New Age Doctrines:


4.) He wanted me to understand how bad it would get. It will get to the point that the Church will start embracing the new age doctrines, looking to occultism and spiritism instead of to the Blood of Christ and faith. These doctrines are increasing in the Church.


The Three Root Sins:


5.) Further, He warned me many years ago about the pride of life, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes. A wave of satanic power will flow over the earth, which will cause man’s heart to become so lifted in pride that you will not be able to teach those affected anymore. This movement will reach the delusion stage and occur among the saved and the unsaved. When this satanic power flows over the body of Christ and the World, it will also heighten the lust of the flesh. If there are issues in your life where you cannot keep your flesh under control at times right now, please deal with them. If you do not deal with them, the day is coming and is close at hand when you will not be able to control them at all. It will control you to the loss of your soul.


The lust of the eyes is actually the “love of power.” One of the reasons the Elite are in trouble is because they lust for power. Their lust is not necessarily for money; they have all the money they could ever want. Why would someone make plans to kill millions of people in a country? Is it because of the love of money? They are beyond that now. It is the love of power. The Lord let me experience the love of power that Hitler walked in. It was terrible. He arose in this love of power to such an extent that he hated God with such a vile hatred that he wanted to kill or destroy anything that even remotely resembled God. That means he wanted to kill both the Jews and the Christians. If he saw a Bible, he wanted to rip it up because of his hatred for God. His hatred was rooted in the lust for power, wherein he felt that God had more power than He needed, and Hitler wanted the power that God had. It was as evil a thing as you could imagine. It expressed the very heart of Satan himself.


The Emergent Church

6.) A journalist once wrote the theory that the Emergent Church trumps is further paving the way for Darwinism. The tone of the matter is quite different from Christianity. They believe and teach that the level of consciousness evolves to a higher level through time and training. This falsehood is demonstrated by the belief that the lower level (human) can evolve to a godhood status. This ideology also brings to mind Francis Bacon of England, a man considered the true Shakespeare. He perpetuated this same fallacy, perpetuating the belief that man could evolve into godhood through faith and science. 


The foundation of this movement is set on New Age Doctrine, promoting the belief that “Ye are gods.” I have seen the evil spirit behind that fallacy. He promises that if we promote this, he will make us rich. My friends, we are not gods!


  • Their goal, among others, is to disintegrate faith in Biblical truths.

         ii.)    Dismiss Christ’s atoning work on The Cross.

         iii.)   This leads to the rejection of hell.

         iv.)   Next: Rejection that Jesus came – God in the flesh.

         v.)    Undermines the Authority of God’s Word.

         vi.)   They encourage the rise of occultic mysticism.


I have been learning a bit about this movement. This study has led to my determination that it is more than dangerous to all who follow it. If you remove the simple truths: Jesus Christ is God Who came in the flesh as a servant, though pure and innocent, died on the Cross vicariously for our sins, and on the third day rose again in holiness to grant eternal life in Heaven to all who believe. You divest the Gospel of its power to save your soul and condemn yourself to hell. The journey down this road begins with the simple belief that the Bible is not the inherent Word of God. It is! It is the Government one must learn to submit to by the Spirit of Grace in the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord!


The spirit of these things will be sweeping across the body of Christ. The Bible says the Lord will not return until the great falling away. (2 Thess 2:3) It will come because the Church did not let the Lord deal with these issues in the heart until the enemy had established a stronghold. This is not a day to walk in compromise. It is a day to seek the Lord while He may be found. Seek His ways. Seek His holiness. Submit to the Authority of Truth. Learn to love. Learn to walk in trials in a spirit of humility. Many besetting trials are coming that will create persistent sins in your heart if you do not let go of the things you need to let go of today. Pray diligently that God will correct you and that He will direct you. Pray that He will reveal those things in your heart that you never wanted to see and give you the grace to see them and the heart to change.


Jesus talked about the great trials that would happen in the last days and said that many would fall away. The love of the great body will grow cold. (Mt 24:12) We are the only ones who can determine if our hearts will be hot or cold. Trials cannot determine it. Other people cannot determine it. Not even satan cannot determine whether our hearts will be hot or cold. We are the only one’s who rules that part of my being. God cannot even determine it because He has given us the right to rule our own will. So today is the day to begin to make Christ number one. Follow His ways. Get into the Word. Find out who Jesus is. While you are learning, ask Him to make you into His Disciple and eventually into His image.


Difficult times are coming. However, when Jesus asked me to start the Gatherings, He told me that if we did this and were faithful to the vision and call, the Father would release Revival upon America before He allows war to touch her. Why is Jesus going to send Revival? Revival removes fear from the mind, heart, and soul. Faith is put in its place, giving you a faith-filled mind, heart, and soul. When faith rules your being, you see everything that happens through different eyes. God wants to give you eyes that see and understand how to walk through the treacherous path unharmed. Revival is His desire for you. In the revival outpouring, He can establish faith in you so that there is no fear. Would not it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and not feel fear about the days ahead? Would not it be wonderful to awaken in the morning and think, “What can I do today to glorify my Lord? I do not have much to give anymore, but I can give myself and Jesus.” You are just as happy as any person because there is no fear.


You can do the impossible in a spiritual environment of faith. You will see miracles happen—not only miracles of healing but the miracles of needs being met. (My daughter Ricci had a wonderful vision several years ago about the coming food shortage. She saw people going to Food Pantry’s such as we run to pick up food as their seemed to be very little food anywhere aside from such places. People would walk up to one and give a list of their needs, Someone from the Pantry would walk out and hand them their grocery list totally filled supernaturally. God would provide the Pantry personel with all that was needed the minute it was needed by means of a simple prayer. The needy person would walk away with their needs met and over top the bushel of supplies a glorious light would shine.)  


You will see many miracles because you have become a person of faith. Because you have become a person of faith, you walk very close to Jesus. The Lord wants you to want Him. He wants to put in you the heart to know Christ. He wants to put in you such a heart that you have no care for things outside the Kingdom of God. That is where your heart is. You are fixed on God. However, it takes faith; He wants to build that in you. How does faith come? “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom 10:17) and by the anointing that breaks the yoke.


You have plenty about which to pray. Now, you need the faith to believe in God for the answers to those prayers. We will go through hard times but move forward through them into destiny. You must prepare for the hard times so that your heart is not overawed and torn up within, but rather, you are established in the faith that will keep you strong. Do you believe that America is going to make her destiny? She is, if you will pray.




After thought given by way of a vision!


It is an awesome privilege to hear the Holy Word of the Lord, even when it is difficult. Love His Word. Even when it is frightening to hear it, love it. I cannot tell you what a privilege it is for the Word of the Lord to come from His throne and into your precious heart. Love His Word, for in it is life. Even though it is difficult, there is life in that seed for you. This will bring forth life. If we are going to share His glory, we must share His suffering. In that Truth, there is life for your heart and soul. There is strength to stand. There is grace to run.


I saw a vision. I saw God our Father sitting on the throne. The Word came forth from His mouth and entered your heart. I saw His Word was holy, and I saw His love for His Word. Then I saw His love for you, greatly pleasing Him when the two became one. Because He loves you, He wants you to hear His and the enemy’s plans. Because He loves you, He wants to birth in you the heart of the overcomer. How? Through His Word which is Truth!


The Prophet stood before God our Father, and the Father said, “Eat of the scroll.” He ate it, and it was sweet as honey in his mouth, but as it went down, it became bitter. (Rev 10:9,10) Sometimes, God’s Word does that. It tastes sweet to the tongue but then bitter to the soul. You notice that the Prophet did not regurgitate the Word because it was bitter. He retained it, and it became life. You must do the same. You will understand the glory I just saw when you know the bitterness of the soul’s opposition.

From Jesus:


“Come into Psalm 91. Let it be your hiding place,” says the Lord. “Be for me a priest, and pray and intercede for this Nation that we love. I will bless you for it. Hide in Me, and I will be the strength you need. Follow Me, and I will bring you into sonship, and you will know My glory.”


In His Love,

Nita Johnson