Last October the Lord gave me a dream about the apostolic ministry. I saw a huge ship docked at the port of a city. This ship was so enormous that I was in awe of the size, particularly the massive bow on the ship. The bow was so deep and wide that it soon became the focal point of my attention. As I marveled at the bow, I began to notice how the paint had been eaten away, and giant rust spots covered the great ship, especially the bow. As incredible as the ship was, it was obvious that it needed restoration. The next thing that I noticed was that people began to line up on the dock. Everything the people needed was on that ship, however, it was unorganized and it took quite some time for the crew to find the needed items for each person. As I watched all of this take place before me, one word kept resonating in my spirit, "Provision".

The ship itself represented the Apostolic ministry. According to Kittel’s Theological Dictionary, …"If a fleet of ships was sent by Rome to establish a new colony elsewhere, all these were called "apostles"- i.e. the fleet, the admiral and the newfound colony." Everything that the city needed was on that ship. Likewise, resident within the apostolic anointing is every provision needed for the church and our cities, both spiritual and natural. God is desiring to restore this ministry to His church, but right now our "bow is a little rusty". The bow speaks of humility and servanthood. I doubt any could argue this point regarding the church in America. Being "apostolic" is more than being an anointed business man with administrative skills. There are several books out at this time that go into great detail as to the qualifications and signs of an apostle so I won’t labor the point except to say that humility will be the distinguishing mark of an apostle, perhaps more than any other ministry. Jesus, .."the Apostle" (Hb. 3:1), spoke of himself as being "gentle and humble in heart" (Mt. 11:29 NAS). How much more then should we practice our "bow".

Though not all are prophets, all of God’s people are to be equipped by this ministry and learn to walk in the prophetic anointing to some degree or another. In the same way, not all are apostles, yet all of God’s people are called to be "apostolic". You are to be equipped by that ministry gift and walk in the apostolic anointing with the understanding that you are a "sent one." It has been said that if we as a church desire apostolic results, we must live an apostolic life. We all desire to see God’s move in the earth, greater effectiveness, more healings, miracles, salvations and for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven! The good news is that this is the Lord’s desire for His church as well. Church, Jesus said.." blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Mt. 5:3) We must begin by recognizing our spiritual poverty and asking for God’s grace to move us from where we are to where we need to be. This requires that you are honest before God, yourself, and others. This is the beginning of the humility that is required to be an apostolic church.

As God begins to raise up an apostolic people, we would do well to heed the words of the apostle Paul.. "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." (Ga. 6:14) That’s an apostolic prayer for all the church to pray in this hour. God bless you and be greatly encouraged , the "Lord will accomplish what concerns"…you! (Ps. 138:8 NAS)

Steve Kenney, Pastor
Kodiak Community Church
Kodiak AK.