5-2-22 The Battle to Flip Roe v Wade
5-2-22 The Battle to Flip Roe v Wade
The Lord says:
“Did I not tell you this was coming? The skies are full of warriors. My people must arise- they must arise- the last stretch is upon us! Arise! Arise! And fight for My children! Arise, Ecclesia! Fight for My children! The enemy is warring for the soul of this nation- but this is MY Nation! Ecclesia, Arise! Arise! Arise! For I will give you the land, but you must arise!”
I saw the skies. Embroiled in battle! The war is fierce! The ecclesia must arise! As we do, it strengthens the heavenly host!
The Lord took me up over the land. I saw the war waging in the spirit realm, the angelic and the demonic, waging war for the land. The fire of God came upon me, this is the Catalyst of 2022! We will be thrust into revival with this victory! The lives of My children are at stake! Fight My people! Fight!
I was taken into the hurricane band of abortion—we must pass through it! The ecclesia must pray for a stabilizing force to come forth! I saw them interceding, refusing to back down even though the enemy was raging. It felt overwhelming but that was not true, it was a deception to sway our intercession. For as we pressed in and prayed, I saw the LORD. His scepter was in His hand. He pointed and a consuming fire came forth from His scepter. This was His Justice, for He loves righteousness and despises wickedness. The fire of God went forth, it was sent into the band of abortion to consume its wickedness.
I saw the glory begin to pour out on the land, the curse is broken! It’s the year of Jubilee! Together, let us wage war on the enemy and cry out for His victory to come forth!
Do not grow weary my friends…the day of our visitation is coming!
Ricci Johnson-Wilson