A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

“Russia, Ukraine, and the Military Industrial Complex” Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Ricci Johnson-Wilson Dream 2/14/2022 In the dream, I saw Zelensky meet with certain military personnel to make way for Ukraine to be filled along certain border areas with NATO forces.

“독수리, 성조기 그리고 자유로 향하는 길”

“독수리, 성조기 그리고 자유로 향하는 길” 뤼키 윌슨 2021년 10월 25일   2020년 9월 21일에 주신 비젼   내가 나라를 위해 기도하고 있을 때, 다음과 같은 환상을 보았다:   나는

The Gavel of Justice and the Fear of God

JUSTICE IS COMING… May 15, 2022 I was awakened at 3 AM to pray. I cried out to God on behalf of our nation. I sought Him for the safety

“The Battle Against Tyranny”

The Battle Against Tyranny Ricci Johnson-Wilson Friends and Intercessors, Thank you once again, for continuing to stand in the gap for the nation. I think we can all see that

Fighting for the Destiny of our Nation…

2021 October -Ricci Johnson-Wilson – Checking in… Thank you for your continued stance on behalf of the nation! Rest assured; God is not finished with this country! The covenant that

“공의의 허리케인과 나라의 데스티니”

“공의의 허리케인과 나라의 데스티니” 뤼키 윌슨 2021년 10월 21일   주님이 정확하게 새벽 4시에 나를 깨우셨다.  나는 주님 앞에 있기 위해 물건들을 챙기면서 주님께 경배를 드렸다. 내가 앉아 마자 나는

“2021 The Year of Revelation”

“2021 The Year of Revelation” Ricci Wilson March 11, 2021   I know many are dealing with fear or discouragement in this hour. Perhaps we feel the weariness brought about

Word of the Lord for the Nation “The Ache within the Soul of the Nation”

  Word of the Lord for the Nation “The Ache within the Soul of the Nation; Hear their Cry” September 25, 2020 Ricci Wilson   I was reflecting this morning

“We Prayed Trump Into Office…now what?”

We prayed Trump into office, now what? Learn the importance of praying for our leaders

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