A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

“Revolution in our Youth” Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“Revolution in our Youth” Ricci Johnson-Wilson 1-26-2023 The work we do as intercessors not only comforts the heart of God, but it brings healing to the brokenhearted and aids in

“Your sons and daughters shall prophesy” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

1/22/23 Dream – Your sons and daughters shall prophesy. In the dream I entered two different types of physician offices. I checked in, passed through the nurse’s station, and then was

“Remaining in His Light while Turning the World Upside Down” by Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Remaining in His Light while Turning the World Upside Down Ricci Johnson-Wilson January 16, 2023   Dear Friends and Intercessors, “2023, the year of revolution.” It is only January 16th,

Chaos in the Streets

8/20/22 I awoke from a dream. Violence was in the streets of the nation. I took my dog for a walk around the neighborhood. I often zig zag up and

The Judgment of Jehu, the Submarine and the flipping of Roe v Wade

(this has several visions/dreams the Lord has given me about overturning Roe v Wade)   The Judgment of Jehu, the Submarine and the flipping of Roe Ricci Johnson-Wilson 2/11/22 This

“2022, the Year of the Catalyst and the Season of Course Correction”

Ricci Johnson-Wilson January 7, 2022 Ez 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the

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