A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

“A Nation in Distress” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“A Nation in Distress” Ricci J

“The Rebirth of a Nation” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

“The Rebirth of a Nation” Ricc

“Bow and Arrow of our Lord” Ricci Johnson-Wilson

The Bow and Arrow of our Lord

“Your sons and daughters shall prophesy” with Ricci Johnson-Wilson

1/22/23 Dream – Your sons and

“Remaining in His Light while Turning the World Upside Down” by Ricci Johnson-Wilson

Remaining in His Light while T

Chaos in the Streets

8/20/22 I awoke from a dream.

The Judgment of Jehu, the Submarine and the flipping of Roe v Wade

(this has several visions/drea

“2022, the Year of the Catalyst and the Season of Course Correction”

Ricci Johnson-Wilson January 7

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