A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

“Critical Warning for the Church” Nita Johnson

Critical Warning for the Church Rewritten for today 8.7.24 Nita Johnson     Hi Dear Friends:   The following is a list given to me by Jesus of false Doctrines

모든 것의 끝 니타 좐슨

모든 것의 끝 니타 좐슨 8-1-24   수요일 밤에 나는 한 남자의 음성을 들었고 동시에 환상을 받았습니다. 이 두 가지 모두 우림과 둠밈에 의해 확인되었습니다. 나는 신세계질서(NWO)의 지배 아래 있게

“The Fire and the Fear of the Lord, Part 3” with Nita Johnson

The Fire and the Fear of the Lord Part 3 6.21.22 By Nita Johnson   It is so good to be with you!  Thank you for joining me!  I would

“The Fire and The Fear of the Lord Part 2” with Nita Johnson

The Fire and the Fear of the Lord Part 2 6.17.22 By Nita Johnson   I want to finalize what I started in Part 1. I think it’s important that

“The Fire and Fear of the Lord, Part 1” with Nita Johnson

The Fire and the Fear of the Lord Part 1 6/16/22 By Nita Johnson   I will share God’s heart with you concerning two important issues for believers. Most do

Praying the 9 Rs

Please find important information on praying the 9Rs in English, Mandarin, and Korean What-does-it-mean-to-pray-the-9-Rs-Nita-Johnson 為9個R禱告的意義為何? 9R을 위해 기도한다는 것의 의미


“소용돌이” 니타 좐슨 2020년 7월 9일   “전례 없는 시간. 전례 없는 해. 전례 없는 위험들과 위협들로 가득 찬 전례 없는 기회.”   이 성명은 아마도 2020년 이 시점까지 우리가

Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles, 2017 (Extended Article)

Join us March 14-17, 2017 for our Kansas, Gathering of the Eagles! Dear Friends: Each time we send you an invitation to a Gathering of the Eagles (GOE), we tell

Reformation & Revival

Occasionally, the Lord in His divine wisdom and foresight releases His presence into the earth for the purpose of changing and transforming not only the Church but also world governments.

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