A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

Satan’s Plans And Purposes For America

Many prophetic voices are speaking today, one says one thing and another says the opposite. Who is right? And, why are there so many voices?

Where Is Christ In Christmas?

This article is difficult for me to write, but I don’t feel I can stay silent on the issue any longer. I will try to be very careful as I share what is on my heart, as I know this is a very sensitive issue with many Christians.


If God leads you to educate your children at home, you will truly be blessed. With the future as difficult as it is going to be for Christians, every moment we can train and prepare our children for it will be an unspeakable blessing and strength for them

No Pain, No Gain.

Now when I face a trial, I truly understand that enduring in the trial will enable me to receive the gift or the promise that comes as a result of persevering.


Last October the Lord gave me a dream about the apostolic ministry.

The New Commission

In the month of December I made a trip to Alaska at the invitation of a pastor to spend some time in prayer and fasting. While locked away in solitude seeking the Lord He gave me a dream.

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