The Heart Behind the Journey
By Ricci Wilson

God’s passion is to see America healed. To see her as a country that seeks out God’s will in every aspect of her existence. A country with people on fire for Jesus. A nation that would never allow the blood of innocent children to be shed in the name of liberation. A people who would embrace the elderly rather than throw their wealth of wisdom and knowledge away. A nation who will not tolerate politically correct morals being taught to its children, but rather demand that the Word of God be brought back into the schools. Come pray with us, that God’s desires be fulfilled ~ that the very foundation of our Nation will be restored to something God will once again look upon with favor. He longs to bring America through her current state of apathy and raise her up as a nation that will fulfill her destiny. 9/11 will forever be a reminder that America is not invincible but her only walls of protection are the righteous prayers of the saints.

Church, we are the saints that are responsible for praying in revival ~ for laying the ground-work for revival to come upon our Nation. Before that glorious presence can come however, our hearts and souls need to be prepared. We, the praying saints, need to dig deeper into God with a burning desire and allow Him to purify our souls. What is required to achieve this purity? Repentance, humility, a hunger for His ways and not our own. Seeking purity to pave the way for His glory will be a stretching– a growing of the soul that those who are impassioned for revival will welcome. A jealousy for revival and all that comes with it is something some of us need to pray for, as we have become complacent in our walk with Him. Saints, if we do not pray for this passion, if we do not begin to emphatically pray in revival, 9/11 will be small compared to what our nation is potentially facing. Within a few short months, war ~ nuclear war ~ could break out on our own soil. The only way to restrain the impending threat of war is for intercession to heal the wounds of God’s own heart and prepare for revival.

This is what the Gatherings are all about. Facing our sin, repenting and then seeking His face to send His glory. Revival in our souls, in our Churches, in our cities, States and ultimately our Nation– this is God’s heart for us, it is His journey that we are traveling. Will we be successful? Are we prepared to undertake this journey and accomplish that which He is calling us to?

Come and join us. Steal away these few days, just before we celebrate His resurrection, and allow God to resurrect in us what is needed to bring about revival. It will be a time of worship ~ beyond what you can imagine. Then, as we stand before His throne and intercede on behalf of our Nation, we are praying His desires, not our own. Saints, I guarantee you will come away from the Gathering a changed person, desiring to only do His will in your lives.

This critical St Louis Gathering is the last in the initial cycle of Gatherings. In each Gathering, part of the crucial foundation for revival has been laid. St. Louis will be no exception. This vital upcoming meeting promises to be a breakthrough event, we want to invite you all to come and be a part of what God is doing!

Ministers, intercessors, those who have a heart for God and a burden for America are all invited. Come Join our Journey!

Blessings in Him,