Indications of These Spirits

The summary of natural signs consistent with the activity of these spirits is as follows:

  1. An illogical and irregular behavior of governments, making great mistakes in crucial moments, causing confusion and chaos.
  2. Countries will arise in war with more powerful armaments than they appeared to have. These will bring the destruction of many innocent people.
  3. The most powerful country in the world, (USA), will suffer great changes because other countries will take advantage of its conflicts and will work to further weaken it. Because God loves America, it will not be destroyed. However, it will progressively decline in its status of being the first world power.
  4. There will be great famine in several parts of the earth and multiplied thousands will perish from terrible disease. Though these cycles have scourged the earth in the past, there will be distinctive signs of the end-time plagues. These events will develop quickly, unavoidably and without control.
  5. Natural disasters will affect the climate and will alter water levels, changing even the physical characteristics of the countries and bringing very detrimental effects to many of them.
  6. All this world chaos will be the favorable environment for the enemy and his forces to facilitate their purposes. Great poverty, injustice, insecurity and criminality will be seen all over the world, paving the way for the anti-Christ.
  7. After some time another President will arise in the USA who will be extremely hostile towards the Gospel, and will claim that Christianity and the US policy of defending Israel, are the cause of America’s current crises.
  8. For a short time during this international crises Russia will stand with America. Then it will betray America provoking something even more serious for the United States with a view to an even greater conflict.
  9. Argentina will be utterly devastated in all areas, including the economic, political, social and moral realms. Internal conflicts will increase causing great destruction. Argentina will be a laboratory of sorts to test expected results for other countries.
  10. In relation to the economic order: in many countries the banks will run out of funds and will be left without effective backing ruining the current system. Therefore, the government will take control of everything, further restricting personal freedom and producing great fear and despair.
  11. Europe will become the place of shelter for the anti-Christ. From there he will become manifest to the world in his proper time.
  12. Countries planning to escape this unification will not survive. They will be forced to submit. Weapons of political and economic control will be used to force countries under this global control.
  13. Implementation of a world court with increased powers and with authority to control all things will be increasingly stressed.
  14. The operations of these reigning spirits that are assigned to bring about this one world government will seem to be soft on the outside. However, they will actually be very fearsome and powerful.
  15. These high-ranking spirits will operate influencing and controlling heads of state, overcoming language, racial and cultural differences. I saw spirits enter these dignitaries. Although the bodies, personalities, and cultures of the dignitaries were different the operations of the spirits were the same and the many bodies they inhabited operated as though they were one man yielding all control to the evil spirit. These spirits will work through pacts and alliances and will gain widespread control.
  16. Israel’s hidden power deployment designed to destroy their enemies will be seen in this upcoming war. These weapons are of such a nature as to have been unknown to mankind before. Bombs of great magnitude, capable of causing much destruction will be used. These events are only a link of the chain of events belonging to a sequence of predetermined incidents leading to the world dominion of the anti-Christ. Latin American countries will also be affected by these events. The whole world will only react as these things explode upon it, as though awakened to a living nightmare of which they have become apart.

A Call for Alert to His People

Jesus told me that His Spirit has released a call of alert for the Church to redeem the time as never before. The more I realize how fragile this world is, the more I am drawn to rest in Jesus, in His eternal Word and His supernatural resources for our present age.

A Place of Shelter

In these visions I was shown by Jesus that He is preparing a unique place of shelter for this hour for those who are committed to the person of Jesus Christ and walk closely to Him. His sanctified ones will be kept in this place of shelter and protected from all the storms and judgments that will come over the rest of humanity.

This will be a time when His beloved Church will be awakened, purified and prepared, being separated from all contamination, filth and delivered from all bondage. Just as the powers of darkness will increase in power so will the sons of light greatly increase in all that is God.

Malachi 3:13

To His Beloved Ones

Simultaneous to all the afore mentioned events Jesus has prepared a great spiritual revival of life and light for this hour. This awakening will transform multitudes of lives in whom the reality and knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ will become most apparent. Although the future of the forces of darkness and their purposes in the earth seem so terrible, the Lord will use it to awaken people from the destruction of indifference, religiosity, and spiritual death.

I saw that His precious ones will be covered in the same armor plated cubical I was protected in while watching the visions unfold. The precious blood of Christ will cover and protect them from all evil. How wonderful His provision for His beloved will be. Neither the impure people nor the any force of darkness could penetrate the impregnable wall of His blood. Nevertheless only those who allow the deep work of the Holy Spirit in their lives will be preserved.

As I continued to watch the unfolding vision I saw that not only were His hidden ones loving protected and cared for by Christ Himself, but they will also be witnesses and participants of the fulfillment of His word and His will upon the earth.

Tank of Mercy

It was wonderful to enter into a place of infinite abundance now being accumulated for the purpose of soon being poured forth!

I saw the magnitude of the provision of His divine mercy. It had the appearance of a water tank the size of an entire city, but its provision was for only one person. It was an overflowing resource. Each of His own ones will be so endowed with this abundance in provision.

I was given to see things from the very inside of the person of Jesus. Things looked very different. The life that was in great activity in that place was ready to pour forth upon and imbue His people. By this great measure of God, which is only a small part of His person, will His own ones be awakened and strengthened in Himself.

I both saw and experienced this living and eternal measure of Himself. I was wonderfully amazed. What a sense of security it produced in me. How can I describe it? Christ’s control was absolute. It is light of very God, which cannot be enclosed or shut up. This new outpouring of His amazing life will greatly affect the world bringing about a great harvest.

Place of Appealing Capacities

What a tender and appealing welcome He gave me as I once again entered His presence. I will never understand why He loves me so. But, what a comfort it is when I hear Him tell of His great love for me again and again. This love has consistency and substance, covering and overwhelming all my person.

As I came into His presence He took me to a place and asked me to look. As I beheld this place, I could see that it was "a place of appealing capacities." I saw a vast amount of light, which had different functions and capacities. The Father would use these capacities in His surrendered ones to let them also be used to affect the spiritual world of people, cities, and nations.

These capacities came as an avalanche of or flood of life. The main component was His power. When mingled with His fire, it all came together to create a mighty river of God Himself.

I saw how the surrendered ones were drawn to Jesus like a magnet. I marveled as I contemplated this.

The Affects of
Appealing Capacities

While my spirit was absorbed in His wonderful presence, Jesus showed me again that "place of appealing capacities." He allowed me to see my own being, very vulnerable and fragile. I saw Him infusing me with His strength. I knew that this impartation would accompany and support me at all times. What an amazing contrast between what I felt in myself, and what He imparted to me. This impartation of His very self filled my being and offset my weakness and fear.

The Place of His Shared Being

Through a new encounter of my spirit with Jesus, I entered a place I had never been before. It was very special and high as it was an exclusively separated place for someone very special and loved.

Upon entering, He let me know this place was for the beloved. The beauty was overwhelming and great peace and security emanated everywhere. The incomparable holiness of Christ Himself could be felt. It was place without a single spot of contamination, purer than the purest crystal and impossible to be described with words. There was a complete absence of sin.

I could ascertain that not only Jesus was in that high place. But also the Father and the Holy Spirit were there in perfect harmony and unity! How can the holiness of that place ever be described? No adequate words can be found. That translucent purity was the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that permanently flowed together in perfect and high love and unity. This infinitely high and sublime place was captivating and attractive beyond all description.

Afterwards I saw how Jesus Himself was that place. It was actually inside His own being. Then I was able to comprehend that the Father and the Holy Spirit were actually sharing the place that had been prepared for His beloved.

That place had been set aside for those who were completely surrendered to Him, the beloved who had absorbed Him as a sponge absorbs water. Just like the sponge has nothing in itself, it is empty in itself, but with great absorbing capacity, the beloved that enter into that place can draw into themselves the essence of the Trinity while being contain in the Trinity.

What a precious reward for those lives that walked the way of surrender! Being attracted by such pure and high love held in the Trinity and prepared for His beloved, is the most precious reward that can ever be imagined.

I then saw how His beloved changed from being like sponges into becoming liquid itself. They had undergone a metamorphosis so Christ Himself, being wholly integrated into His nature, could absorb them. They experienced this transformation for they had given themselves in love to Him.

I could identify with them as I understood that they were lives just like mine, because He had also made me part of that liquid. He rejoiced, and how greatly He expressed His joy that their surrender had prepared them for Himself only. It was a very beautiful condition with His beloved that had been prepared and awaiting Him. Having a body to share that beautiful something with produced in Him deep satisfaction, and fulfillment in the things done by Him. My whole being was moved by this part of Himself, and I was totally imbued with Him.

For instance he transported me out of this place and I saw extremely high walls without doors or windows. When He took me closer, I saw that the walls were huge beautiful angels that protected this place so that only those chosen by God were allowed to enter.

I saw how the lives that had been absorbed in Jesus’ inner world had received the capacity of going out filled by the power that emanated from Himself to accomplish His will.

It is glorious to mature and increasingly develop in the understanding of the things God was revealing. All things He showed me were brought to pass in an operation of permanent life, and nothing was wasted. I could see how the people that sincerely allowed and received this operation of the life of Jesus in their hearts, came into a place where God revealed ever-increasing understanding of Himself and His kingdom.

From inside of Jesus’ person, all things look so different. This life was prepared to imbue His people with the very essence of Himself. Hearts will be awakened and strengthened in God Himself. I could not help being amazed by all this. I felt such assurance as I dwelt there. His control was absolute.

It is the very light of God that cannot remain confined, but that will extend out from itself, bringing about a great end-time harvest.

The Wave of Pure Light

While in a time of adoring worship of Him for whom my heart longs, He came to me snatching me away and took me into the spheres of His wondrous light. When He receives me into His presence He invariably does it with those ineffable words that ring such peace and security; He tells me: Do not be afraid!

I know that I would not be able to enter His cloud of gory if He did not give breath to me with His greeting, since the reaction that provokes the taking part in so high spheres of glory and holiness is tremendously overwhelming. He has to protect me in this way from the affects of such grandeur, and refulgence, for if He did not, I would be devastated and I would not be able to bear it. He also covers me in His cloud of love and peace when He shows me the operations of this hour.

With tremendous strength and demonstration of purpose, the Lord talked to me about a great "now" when He would be gathering multitude of souls. In contrast with His chosen in whom He had been performing a profound work, this new operation would be carried out in a completely exposed way and with great clarity.

Jesus showed me a new and extraordinary wave of heavenly, pure, light and life that He is accumulating to prepare the manifestation of the great harvest, that will develop underneath the storm of evil which is forming. He told me that He would not wait or retain this wave anymore, but now had come. While being released by Him, it would flow over the earth, bringing multitudes of souls to the fold.

This new wave, full of powers and forces of light and life, was His instrument and had a double function: one function was to open as the incision of a sharp sword would make, and the other penetrated and went through beyond all defenses and accomplished what God determined.

In this new occasion the Lord told me: You will see now! Immediately I looked and saw a new and mighty pure wave of power that had begun to work under that terrible storm of darkness of evil and persecution. While the storm of darkness still followed its course, this new wave of so pure light and life that had been prepared for this hour, suddenly started to expand in an explosive and magnificent way.

I saw how this new wave operated. I saw what appeared to be gigantic arms extending out to gather countless multitudes of souls for Jesus. In amazing operations of God, in great power and strength, untold millions were taken for Him.

However, there were differences between the levels and conditions of these souls. The elect ones were obviously superior in development and light, but despite their inferior condition, the souls gathered under the storm were more numerous and equally precious to the Lord. He was especially interested in the great harvest of this multitude of souls. With great joy and power He was intensively working to fulfill this.

The inferior condition of the new ones was detectable not by their appearance, but by their relationship with God. Those who walked above the storm have a very intimate relationship with Him, characterized by a great intensity, as if they were linked with the same fires and torrents of the divine nature. When the new ones received abundant blessings from God, it was due to the fact that these blessings rebounded from His chosen ones. The blessings on one rebounded as a blessing for the other. Clearly the operation of God in this wave of light developed in the chosen ones through purity and holiness.

The wave of pure light was working in the midst of great darkness underneath the storm. He showed me an especially terrible and gloomy area that offered no promise, where the wave had not yet reached. Then He caused me to see that this light would expand in places where it had never been before and where the darkness had reigned without opposition. These places were many and were awaiting the manifestation of this work.

Jesus said He would take this manifestation of this marvelous wave of light and life to a certain state of development – up to the same threshold of its explosion. Although He desired this wave to burst in this explosion force of purity, something was still missing prohibiting this from happening. The moment of this explosion would be precipitated and lit by the elect ones who were above the storm. Each of them individually had to open as if it were a door inside them and they also had to enter an even higher place of communion with Christ, which at the same time would open their inner doors to manifestation in power force of light.

While opening these doors that great wave of light would pass through them and would start to accomplish its purposes and works over the land of the final harvest. Although this wave, full of extreme power and force to the reaping, would gather multitudes, it would however gradually and progressively advance, taking its territory as long as the chosen ones moved forward and opened the doors to the new ones. The ones who were under the storm, though they received great provision of light and life that God shed, nonetheless they were allowed to be moved, shaken and buffeted. However, through this, the way would be provided in which the Lord would mold, transform and develop them. On the contrary, those who were above the storm of darkness, that is the elect ones could not be shaken as they were rooted and asserted in their relationship with Christ.

Jesus explained that these sons that would give way to this new wave, must be extremely purified. This purification is of fundamental importance, not only for themselves, but also for these new ones that will be gathered. This high, complete purification of the elect ones is equivalent to the opening of the doors inside them that will rebound in a force of great life and light to those millions that are still in darkness.

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Ken & Annie Schisler
Casilla de Correo 6540
Montevido, Uruguay c.p. 1100
South America
Phone: 011 598 37 64793