A Prophetic Voice For Today's World

God’s Plans For The Nation

In this teaching God reveals the Church is entering into the Kingdom age in 2013

Acts Book II – Prepare Me For The Revelation

In this article, see what it takes to gain revelation from God. Learn the ways of knowing Him and receive the experiential knowledge of God.

Prayer to Change the Nation

This article teaches us how to pray for America to change this nation.

Teaching on the Lord’s Prayer (A)

This is a short teaching on part of the Lord’s Prayer at a prayer meeting in Seattle.


There is a way to enter the throne, and there is a way not to enter the throne. This article teaches us that we have hallowed His name every time we take the step to obey.

12-17-2011 Teaching from Fred Gassaway

This is the PDF containing the images presented during Mr. Gassaway’s message.

Letter of Purpose

This letter is written out of concern for the way the body of Christ is responding to the warnings of upcoming judgments.

Save America Campaign

This teaching reveals the Illuminati in America, and God’s plan to wrest America from them.

Prayer Request

This is a prayer request for the Seattle Gathering of the Eagles Aug 29-Sept 2, 2011.

Prayer and Invitation Letter (Seattle GOE, Aug 2011)

This is a letter inviting intercessors and people of prayer to come to our Seattle GOE to pray for America.

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